Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Organizational Concept Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Organizational Concept - Coursework Example Many meta-analyses have brought about and later on confirmed the predictive value of the Big Five through a number of behaviors. The research on the Big Five has shown that there is both support and criticism for the model. There are also limitations extended to the model as the Big Five has an explanatory and predictive theory attached with it. Some suggest that this model does not explain nearly all the human personality domains and is thus regarded as an incomplete model in essence. However some are of the view that it is an extensive and comprehensive model. A manager or coach could use his self-fulfilling prediction to enhance and improve an individual’s performance levels by weighing in his strengths with the grey areas. If he believes that this individual has a good amount of strong points within his personality, he should offer him a chance to excel and in return let the organization grow and develop as a result of the same underpinnings. More than anything else, there is a dire need to put the strengths and weaknesses side by side so that the advantages and the shortcomings could be envisaged beforehand, and that the weaknesses could be plugged, the sooner the better. This manager or coach could find new ways through which this employee can work towards achieving superior performance levels in the long term scheme of things (Beach 1996). The individual can only be gauged in a proper way if there are set conditions under which he can manifest his truest basis, i.e. by giving him a trial under which he is tested to the best possible levels. The manager must realize that he has to play his cards well as far as assigning work activities and processes are concerned to the individual under him. This will bring in success for the individual, the manager and indeed the entire organization. References Beach, L (1996). Decision Making in the Workplace: A Unified Perspective. Lawrence Erlbaum
Monday, October 28, 2019
Survey - Payroll Essay Example for Free
Survey Payroll Essay A1. The most important I learned in this payroll accounting course is that there can be different methods of calculating income taxes and other taxes, but the underlying idea is to lawfully tax the earner, according to their wage-level and family structure. The different taxing figures for weekly, biweekly, monthly, semi-annually and annually salaries gives a clear picture of the differences that have been implemented by the federal board in taxing these different types of workers. Setting a standard across the board for taxing would have led to injustices to at least a group of workers. Instead, the federal board has carefully revised the different types of workers and set up taxing brackets and percentages according to their need and ability. Also, I learned the fact that the way in which taxes are calculated is very personalized (according to your earning, marital status, allowances). It is the employers’ duty to match the FICA taxes paid by the employee and contribute an equal amount to the state. There is another thing I would like to add. Payroll Accounting is a very delicate job and one has to be very clever to handle it. Although formulae and calculations are what have ton be just implemented, the person handling these figures and data should have avid knowledge and in-depth detail of their subject before attempting to do the calculations and manipulations. A2. The forms were very easy to use, given the fact that they addressed exactly what was required, nothing more or less. They were self-explanatory and there was no ambiguity at any column or cell. The website was very user-friendly. It had the clear explanation and information that enabled the user to navigate to exactly what they wanted. There were clear details on what was available and what it was used for so that the user did not have to waste time searching for what they wanted.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Who do you think is the hero of this novel Gatsby, or Nick Carraway? Es
Who do you think is the hero of this novel Gatsby, or Nick Carraway? Give full reasons for your choice I believe that "The Great Gatsby" is a book about a man, Gatsby that had an obsessive love over a woman, Daisy. It is about catching his "unattainable" vain dream and completing his goals. So in my opinion the main hero of the story is Gatsby and not Nick Carraway. However even if this novel is written about Gatsby, we should not underestimate the role of Nick. It is only through him that we get to meet Gatsby; he is the one who is making him "great" for us. Even though he is trying not to be a biased narrator, we like Gatsby when Nick likes him; we have a slight dislike for him when Nick dislikes him. Nick is more of a spectator than an actor in the story. He is just an observer that through him we get to know the other main characters of the novel. He remains apart from the romance of Daisy and Gatsby even though he is the one that brought them together. He is distanced from the other characters so he could be able to write objectively about them. This fact ...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
The Mexican Revolution
Mexico’s Revolution Ariel Elias HIST 112 Proffesor Cummings 17 February 2013 Ariel Elias Professor Cummings Hist 112 17 February 2013 Mexico’s Revolution Many nations across time and the world have experienced a revolution. From the American revolution to the French revolution, history has proven conflict can engage a nation at any moment. Tanter explains that two possible scenarios, changes in the economic development and the level of education are likely to cause revolutions (Tanter 264).A revolution can be composed of a group of individuals who are willing to make the ultimate sacrifice in exchange for change in the existing government. This group of people will stop at nothing until they have completely taken over the territory they wish to control. What was the reason and who played a critical role in the Mexican revolution? Mexican political leaders and the common people would play an instrumental role in the positive or negative impact of the Mexican revolution. During 1910 and 1920, Mexico underwent a difficult and bloody time that would lead to many years of little progress in this nation’s history.The Mexican revolution is not a globally known revolution and most Americans would not initially compare it to the American revolution or understand the impact it had on Mexico. Knight states that compared to other revolutions, during the Mexican revolution many more people fought, died, and more land was destroyed (Knight 28). Some of the reasons the Mexican revolution began was due to the biased distribution of land, education, and wealth. The Mexican farmers and middle class were tired of the government treating them unfairly.The man in control of the nation during 1910 was President Porfirio Diaz. President Porfirio Diaz had ruled Mexico with an iron fist. Knight states that President Diaz had begun as an Army officer who had risen to power during a coup (Knight 28). Mexico’s economy was doing well at the time and Mexicoâ€⠄¢s elite prospered while President Diaz controlled the nation. Diaz originally promoted a no re-election policy, but soon conveniently disregarded that policy and ruled for several years. Under President Diaz’s rule, only the elite people of Mexico shared wealth, land and education.Knight states that this unequal distribution of power, money, and land began to create resentment amongst the common people in Mexico (Knight 29). Many leaders would soon rise up to fight for the people of Mexico and equal rights for all. Soon leaders such as Francisco Madera, General Huerta, and Emiliano Zapata would rise to fight for the country of Mexico. A revolution was inevitable and Mexico had plenty of individuals who would fight for their rights. Knight states that during 1910 President Diaz would be overthrown and Mexico would enter ten years of civil conflict (Knight 29).The first to attempt to overthrow President Diaz was Francisco Madero. Madero appealed to the middle class, Indians, and Mestizos. In 1911, the Mexican army was on the defense and President Diaz was forced to resign; Francisco Madera was immediately inaugurated. Unfortunately, Madero would not last long and in 1913, Madero was assassinated. Knight explains that General Victoriano Huerta would be the next to attempt to lead the war torn Mexico (Knight 31). The military solution would not last long and fierce fighting would continue. Emiliano Zapata would be known as one of the most famous and powerful revolutionaries during this time.Knight states that Zapata always remained a man for the people and fought very hard for his fellow compatriot (Knight 32). Zapata, known for handing out free food to the poor and supporting free education, was a loud voice and strength for the people of Mexico. Unfortunately, during what was meant to be a peaceful meeting, Zapata would be assassinated. These men positively influence the revolution and did everything they could to enable the average Mexican. The Mexican people would dedicate everything and everyone to the revolution. Chavez states that for men and boys there was only one option uring the revolution, becoming a soldier (Chavez 423). Young Mexico believed that the revolution would bring social justice and a stronger Mexico. The men from the mountains, farms and villages would unite under leaders such as Emiliano Zapata and fight against larger Mexican armies. There was a sense of pride and purpose in the revolution. The revolution empowered the average Mexican and encouraged them to fight. Knight states that revolutionaries had inadequate arms and training, but managed to dominate battles against a superior Mexican army (Knight 31).Eventually following many years of fighting a man named Alvaro Obregon was elected president. Washington states that the ideals of the Mexican revolution would eventually provide the people with a Constitution in 1917 (Washington 505). Mexico would finally reach a point in history where nation could focus on the entire nation and not an elite group. Mexico suffered ten years of war, suffering, and turmoil. Mexican leaders during 1910-1920 were unable to hold the country together and a revolution consumed the nation. The Mexican people grew tired of political greed, lack of support, and unequal treatment.Several leaders such as President Diaz would prove to be a man of one interest, himself. Others would quickly rise against him and attempt to claim the presidency. General Huerta and Francisco Madera would take the presidency by force, but would not last very long in the president office. Emiliano Zapata had a significant impact as a revolutionary who fought with the people and for the people. During the Mexican revolution, the nation would join forces and rise against lawless leaders. The men and women of Mexico would fight for many years for the equalities they knew they deserved.Eventually, the Mexican government drafted the constitution and was now able focus on the future. Works Cited Chavez Leyva, Yolanda. â€Å"`I Go To Fight For Social Justice': Children As Revolutionaries In The Mexican Revolution, 1910-1920. †Peace & Change 23. 4 (1998): 423. Academic Search Premier. Web. 16 Feb. 2013. Knight, Alan. â€Å"The Mexican Revolution. †History Today 30. 5 (1980): 28. Academic Search Premier. Web. 17 Feb. 2013. Washington, Walter. â€Å"Mexican Resistance To Communism. †Foreign Affairs 36. 3 (1958): 504-515. Academic Search Premier. Web. 17 Feb. 2013.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Lather and Nothing Else and the Possibility of Evil
British Baptist Preacher Charles Spurgeon once said, â€Å"Beware of no man more than of yourself; we carry our worst enemies within us. †By reading â€Å"Lather and Nothing Else,†â€Å"The Possibility of Evil†and through one’s one personal struggles this quote is found to be true. Everyone faces struggles with themselves. It is yourself that is your own enemy because your mind is what creates your fears, goals and weaknesses not someone else. The story â€Å"Lather and Nothing Else†talks about a barber who must decide to be either a hero or a murderer. The Possibility of Evil†deals with the evil that lies beneath the peaceful surface of a small town. In both stories topics including integrity, honesty, morals, values and work ethic are dealt with Characters in both stories encounter struggle or conflict, but something is learned through this struggle. First of all, the story â€Å"Lather and Nothing Else†deals with inner struggle . The main character, the barber, is secretly a member of the resistance against the government. The conflict is introduced when Captain Torres, an executioner, walks into the barber’s shop to get shaved. That gives the barber an opportunity to kill him and become a hero. The main character then becomes very conflicted. If he decides to kill Cpt. Torres he could escape to another country, but he would still have to live with the fact that he killed someone and that feeling would haunt him for the rest of his life. The barber debated the situation in his head. Perhaps he believed killing someone would lower himself to the captain’s level. The main character came to the decision that he would not kill the captain. The barber believed he did his work honorably and didn’t want to stain his hands with blood. To each his own. That’s the way it is. To each his own. †The lesson the author intends the readers to learn is to always weigh out the pros and cons before making a difficult choice in life. Next, â€Å"The Possibility of Evil†demonstrates the sense of morality very well. Mrs. Strangeworth is an elderly lady who lives in Pleasant Town. She had lived there for a long time and believed it was her job to protect her town. She wrote anonymous letters to people spreading false rumors and wrote about people’s flaws and sent them to different citizens of that town. She believed that by sending these letters she was getting rid of the evil in her town. The struggles in this story is person vs. society because one can tell by reading this story that deep down in that old lady’s heart, she loathed the people in her town. She dealt with her struggle by writing secret letters about people and posting them. In the end her most prized possessions, her roses, were destroyed by a man after finding out she was the one sending the letters. The lesson readers take away from this story is what goes around comes around, any actions, good or bad, will have a consequence. Finally, I, myself, have gone through many struggles throughout my life. One of my biggest struggles is when I spent three weeks living on a military base. I only got a chance to leave the base once and that was to do community service but I still had to wear my combat uniform. They woke us up at 5:00 AM every morning, taken for a one hour jog and trained until 6:30 in the evening. We got a 1. 5 hour break and had to be back in our barracks by 9:00 PM. We would then polish our boots for a half hour then went to bed. They would play The Last Post at 10 PM every night and â€Å"Reveille†on the bugle every morning at 5. I struggled a lot with the schedule, home sickness and during a injury to my ankle from a Biathlon I competed in. I was so fed up with everything and just wanted to go home. I got through it because of all the amazing people that were there. The girls I shared a room with were all used to this because they have done it before. They really talked me through it and took me around the base and made it fun for me. The officers, padres and doctors there were also really supportive. There was always someone there for me to talk to. The people I met there ended up becoming my second family. I believe the lesson I learned from that experience is that it doesn’t matter who you are with or where you may be, there really is no place at home. In conclusion, as to what was stated in the introduction, everyone faces struggles with themselves. In â€Å"Lather and Nothing Else†the barber struggles with himself, he doesn’t want to be a killer but killing Captain Torres could potentially save many other lives. In â€Å"The Possibility of Evil†the ain conflict I person vs. society, however, the woman also struggles with herself. She hated the people in her town and dealt with it by sending anonymous letters to citizens about their flaws or accused them of things they may not be guilty for. In a way, she’s destroying her own town by breaking the reliance people have in each other. Also, in my own struggle I was homesick and confused. I dea lt with situation I never would have imagined beforehand. As one can see, lessons were learned through struggles by both characters in these stories and through my own experiences.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Power Struggles in Contemportary Literature essays
Power Struggles in Contemportary Literature essays Contemporary novels bring a new point of view to the actions and the lives in which the struggle, consciously or unconsciously, to dominate, plays a crucial role. Because of the fact that life itself is a game of gaining power over another, these novels depict a deeper analysis of this game. Although the most striking are the ones that deal with equality of males and females, these power struggles occur not only between man and woman but also society and the individual, two close friends or any two people who are related to each other. This presentation of characters and their actions is not simply narrated; rather, the issues of who controls, how he/she controls, and the process of power struggles are explored. The audience generally is able to discern when a power struggle is taking place, because they can see characters unable to go beyond attempting to control, while the others cope with these attempts, like playing cat and mouse. Furthermore, these novels aim to represent the ch aracter that refuses to play the role anticipated by his/her social surrounding and to resist strongly the rules of people which leads someones life to be directed by others. This effort supports todays popular idea of what is called I am what I am. So, this paper aims to examine in what ways the characters in Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath, Drivers Seat by Muriel Spark, and Edible Woman by Margaret Atwood attempt to control or have power over the lives and actions of others or themselves through identifying who controls, how he/she tries to do this, what the process of power struggle is and the question of whether it is easy or not. To begin with, The Bell Jar tells the story of Ester, a talented young woman who has a nervous breakdown starting in a summer internship at a magazine in New York. Her life is full of struggles with other characters in the novel. Esthers relationships with other characters are of great importanc...
Monday, October 21, 2019
A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift Essay Example
A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift Essay Example A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift Paper A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift Paper Essay Topic: Literature George Orwell was born in 1903 in India where his family were members of the upper middle class. He was educated at Eton but refused to attend a higher education establishment but never the less was still very well educated. He joined the Burma Police Force instead for a six-year stretch. When Orwell returned to England, he began his writing career and produced some of his most famous works. His inspiration was the political state of Europe with dictators such as Hitler and Stalin dominant. This led to the novella Animal Farm, which was written in 1944. It shows Orwells disgust with Stalins style of socialism. Animal Farm was very controversial as the state of the USSR was admired by many socialists of the time; thus his publisher Victor Gollancz refused to accept it, as did T. S. Eliot and Jonathan Cape before Martin Secker Warburg, Ltd finally accepted it in 1945. This slowed the publishing of the novella by eighteen months. It is possible to trace the origins of Animal Farm back to Orwells spell of fighting in the Spanish Civil War. He saw himself primarily as a political writer. A democratic socialist, who avoided party labels, hated totalitarianism and he became progressively disillusioned with methods of communism, his plain, colloquial style made him a highly effective pamphleteer and journalist. One of his first pamphlets was called Inside the Whale (1940). Out of all Orwells work Animal Farm is still the most famous and the way it deals with political satire. Both Swift and Orwell mixed in literary circles, Swift with writers such as Steele, Addison, Congreve and Pope. Orwell with T. S. Eliot, Cyril and Virginia Wolf. Jonathan Swift was born in 1667 in Dublin where he was educated at Trinity College. Swifts family originated in England, but then settled in Ireland, due his familys strong Protestant background, although he did support Catholics as well, as shown in Modest Proposal threw no separation of the poor, into religious beliefs. In 1689 Swift became private secretary to William Temple who introduced him to the literary, political and aristocratic circles of the time. It was from Temples style that Swift developed his literary powers and got involved in political affairs. During his time with Temple, Swift wrote three satires A Tale of a Tub, The battle of books and Discoveries concerning the mechanical operation of spirit. Swift became vicar of Laracor in Ireland but kept returning to England where he was heavily involved in politics. After Temple died Swift, began to produce pamphlets. In 1701 he wrote one praising the conduct of the Whig, or liberal leaders. This work, A discourse of the contest and dissensions between the nobles and commons in Athens and Rome. The majority of Swifts literary pieces are based on real people and events. For example Gullivers Travels (1726), lampooned the Whigs as the little men while his friends the Tories took the form of Gulliver. From this point on Swift focused his energy on Irish affairs. A Modest Proposal was written in 1729, as a pamphlet discussing the political state of Ireland at the time. Animal Farm and a modest Proposal are written in entirely different genres. Orwells Animal Farm, is written in the novella genre, more specifically as an extended fairy story. The novella is an allegorical representation of events in Russia following the fall of the Tsar in 1917. It mainly focuses on Stalins government of the country from the 1920s to the end of the Second World War. The story can also be taken as a more general attack on and analysis of the search for power and the way in which corrupt figures can gain and manipulate for their own purposes. The animals revolution directly mirrors the Russian Revolution; the animals over throw the humans, Just as the Bolshevik Party over threw the Romanov Dynasty. Swifts A Modest Proposal is written as a political pamphlet, arguing an expedient solution to the problem of poverty among Irelands poor. One of sixty plus pieces on Irish affairs Swift wrote after 1920. The pamphlet can be broken down into six sections. To begin with Swift sets out the problem, which is the overcrowding in Dublin, this is followed by his solution to sell yearling children of the poor, to the wealthy for food. In the next section Swift digresses and talks about how his suggestion can be executed. In the following section a list of advantages is given for the reader. Section five gives the reader some reasons why no other solutions will work. The final section is Swifts disclaimer, this covers him for has previously been said. Swifts satirical writing gives him the freedom to taunt the government of the time, with his appalling proposal. George Orwells style in Animal Farm is a novella as opposed to a pamphlet like Modest Proposal. This is noticeable through the narrative form, characters and a theme. The theme, corruption of power differs to Modest Proposal that concentrates not so much on corruption but an attack on the selfish misuse of power. E. g. Swift thought of himself as English. At the time of the Battle of the Boyne, when William defeated James II in 1690 (the Glorious Revolution had been peaceful in England but bloody in Ireland), Swift was with Temple in Surrey. Yet after this time he became increasingly known as an Irish patriot. What he experienced in Ireland was very similar to the experience of the American colonists under George III all the disadvantages of direct rule from London, and none of advantages. Since no politician in England gave much thought to Ireland, the land was bled by absentee landlords, denied fair trading terms and ruled by second-rate officials who could behave irresponsibly with no one to care about the consequences. Corruption is shown almost immediately through Old Major and his commandments, which act as a motif, misleading the animals into believing what he says is best for them. To begin with he tells the animals All animals are equal then the 7 commandments are abridged for the last time simply reading, All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others. At this point the pigs are behaving like humans: buying newspapers, smoking and wearing clothes. Although from the beginning the animals are anthropomorphic but still retain enough animal characteristics for them to be credible as farm animals. The pigs take this to the extreme. The authorial voice in Animal Farm is that of a storyteller writing in a traditional format. Simple detail is paid to characters and setting for example references to the farm and immediate identification with the animals: The hens perched themselves on the window -sills, the pigeons fluttered up to the rafters Simple and straight forward. Animal Farm follows a conventional narrative structure. The narrator tells its events in chronological order. The story itself contains a believable mixture of human and animal characters- even when the human characters are seen to clearly understand what the animals are saying- for example, when Pilkington makes his to Napoleon speech at the end of the novel, the reader believes that the two understand each other. The repetition of various ideas and images forms a pattern in the text. In particular Majors speech at the start of the novella is echoed and referred to throughout the novella, to provide a standard by which the pigs actions are judged. The placing of the speech at the start of the novella, means that the reader shares the animals enthusiasm for the vision of the future and becomes progressively more disappointed as the novella continues and we see those ideals destroyed: we are told several times that the animals work like slaves. The novella is aimed at the masses, as it is cleverly written to reach the population on a number of levels; one being the message that not everything you are told by the authoritarian figure shouldnt be believed and trusted. Animal Farms purpose is to highlight the corruption of power in the USSR under Stalin. A Modest proposal however addresses only the educated middle classes. The authorial voice in A Modest Proposal is of an English economist, spoken in a matter-of-fact manner leading the audience into agreement with the argument, and then giving a massive blow with his actual proposal, the shock of undeniable cannibalism. E. g. always advising the mother to let them suck plentifully in the last month, so as to render them plump and fat for a good table. It could be argued that Orwells writing directly descends fro that of Swifts simple, straightforward and concise. The format of Animal Farm consists of very little dialogue, it is written in story form similar to a childrens storybook with a lot of information condensed into a few words. Orwell makes a statement and leaves it! The plot carries forward at a rapid rate and doesnt get involved in small affairs. Orwell allows events to speak for themselves. There are no lengthy sentences introspective passages or emotional feelings. It has an objective style with the reader always kept at arms length. The humans in the novel are stereotypical as is shown on page 41 with Mr Whymer the greedy lawyer He was a sly-looking little man. Orwells simplistic child-like style shows through with his explanation of what a cheque is. It is almost biblical in its simplicity. Biblical overtones appear again with the commandments, which equates to animalism 7 deadly sins. Swift uses syllogism in his proposal. He turns argument on its head to state the following: If starving children are killed at one year old. The children can help to feed the state. Therefore by the end of his proposal he states starving children can benefit the state. This is a style of argument, which shows Swifts indebtedness to Rabelais, who made much of this type of turning a point of view on its head. Another technique of Swifts is to write in character e. g. Gullivers Travels where he writes as a seafaring man on his travels. In Modest Proposal Swift writes as an economist. Therefore the horror of the proposal can be stated in all its shocking detail since it is no more horrible than the horrors already existing and which are sanctioned by that social group, which are the audience of the pamphlet. The educated and well to do classes who had been instrumental in passing the laws which had made Ireland so poverty stricken. Which gives the ultimate irony of A Modest Proposal! Reference to the oppressive laws, which the protestant parliament in London hand inflicted on catholic Ireland. Another technique in Modest Proposal is Swift developed one idea by continued reference to another so that every statement was double edged. E. g. I have already computed the charge . its for the carcass of a good fat child. The horrors are all the more effective because they are presented in such a matter of fact voice, they are introduced easily as evidence to support a rational argument. The appeal is to the readers practical reasonableness no attempt is made to incite pity or indignation, it is only at the end that he makes a full frontal. Swift like every writer has his critics. A. Humphreys says that he favours the intellectual exercise of forming a link between idea and image He puts forward the idea that Ireland is in desperate straits with the poor, and links this with the image of how the Irish poor live. Following on from this is the idea that the problem can be solved, which leads to the image of yearling children, being fattened for the table. a young healthy child well nursed is at a year old a most delicious, nourishing, and wholesome food D. W Jefferson argues that too much emphasis has been placed on the simplicity of Swifts style. But he sees this style as having a wider purpose a) it follows the be Augustan style which stressed the need for clarity of expression but b) this simple style was essential for Swift because he was often putting over a simple tale i. e. simply told Gullivers Travels. This is also apparent in Modest Proposal where he takes on the persona of an economist who is setting out a list as it were of the economic status quo to follow it with a list of proposals to improve the situation. To concentrate on style in his manner however is to ignore the comic and sometimes-hilarious wit that Swift can show. For this he is indebted to Rabelais, Donne and Jonnson. E. g. In Tale of Tub he leans heaverily on Rabelais by the way in which he exploits ideas to build up comedy and by the way he misapplies learned ideas to support an audacious conclusion. Whilst the wit in Modest Proposal is not of the same satirical play on words as Animal Farm, it does none the less have a strong bite to it. E. g. in Animal Farm. We laugh at the animals, as the thought of a pig climbing up a ladder with a paintbrush in his trotter is amusing. Where as in Modest Proposal when the idea of stewing, roasting, baking or boiling a child is put across at first this is disturbing but taking it into context it is a witty description of a horrific suggestion. Many critics would argue that the greatest satire in English Language is Jonathan Swifts a A Modest Proposal, but because Swift and his narrator are so tightly intertwined, even sophisticated readers often emerge form their confused. He attacks his own Protestant, English community by creating a narrator who considers himself a reasonable and compassionate fellow, but who combines a repulsive anti-Catholic bigotry with modest proposal that is actually a final solution; he advocates cannibalism as a means countering Irish Catholic poverty, abortion, and the high birth rate. Orwells writing style descends directly from that of Swift the Augustan style of writing has been inherited through the centuries. Both literary pieces are political satires, portraying a government of the their time. Swifts is aimed at the upper class politicians in Ireland, where as Orwells is suitable for all ages yet still has a powerful message hidden within its meaning. Written in different genres to reflect was acceptable at the time of writing and the style they are written in. The problems that Orwell encountered when attempting to publish his novella are no means extinct, a twenty first novelist is still encountering these troubles as her novel is a political satire, that is satirising the current British government and their policies and conduct. Carole Haymans Hard Choices is said to be an inappropriate determination to satirise New Labour when Tony Blair is doing so much for America! The novella is futuristic set in 2010. So even today in a society that is said to have evolved and accepts most things and people the literary world is still encountering problems. In conclusion both Swift and Orwells pieces have fulfilled their intent to, instruct the public about the corruption that has in the past taken place within ruling parties and their level of power.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
The 18th Amendment Began the Era of Prohibition
The 18th Amendment Began the Era of Prohibition The 18th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution banned the manufacture, sale, and transportation of alcohol, which began the era of Prohibition. Ratified on Jan. 16, 1919, the 18th Amendment was repealed by the 21st Amendment on Dec. 5, 1933. In the over 200 years of U.S. Constitutional Law, the 18th Amendment remains the only amendment to ever have been repealed. The 18th Amendment Key Takeaways The 18th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution banned the manufacture and distribution of alcohol (known as Prohibition), on Jan. 16, 1919. The major force behind Prohibition was 150 years of pressure by the Temperance Movement, combined with the ideals of the early 20th century Progressive Movement.The result was the destruction of an entire industry, including loss of jobs and tax revenue, and general lawlessness as people openly flaunted the law. The Great Depression was an instrumental reason for its repeal. The 21st Amendment repealing the 18th was ratified in December 1933, the only amendment ever to be repealed. Text of the 18th Amendment Section 1. After one year from the ratification of this article the manufacture, sale, or transportation of intoxicating liquors within, the importation thereof into, or the exportation thereof from the United States and all territory subject to the jurisdiction thereof for beverage purposes is hereby prohibited. Section 2. The Congress and the several States shall have concurrent power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation. Section 3. This article shall be inoperative unless it shall have been ratified as an amendment to the Constitution by the legislatures of the several States, as provided in the Constitution, within seven years from the date of the submission hereof to the States by the Congress. Proposal of the 18th Amendment The road to national prohibition was riddled with a plethora of states laws that mirrored a national sentiment for temperance. Of the states that already had bans on manufacturing and distributing alcohol, very few had sweeping successes as a result, but the 18th Amendment sought to remedy this. On August 1, 1917, the U.S. Senate passed a resolution detailing a version of the above three sections to be presented to states for ratification. The vote passed 65 to 20 with Republicans voting 29 in favor and 8 in opposition while the Democrats voted 36 to 12. On December 17, 1917, the U.S. House of Representatives voted in favor of a revised resolution 282 to 128, with Republicans voting 137 to 62 and Democrats voting 141 to 64. Additionally, four independents voted for and two against it. The Senate approved this revised version the next day with a vote of 47 to 8 where it then went on to the States for ratification. Ratification of the 18th Amendment The 18th Amendment was ratified on January 16, 1919, in Washington, D.C. with Nebraskas for vote pushing the amendment over the required 36 states needed to approve the bill. Of the 48 states in the U.S. at the time (Hawaii and Alaska became states in the U.S. in 1959), only Connecticut and Rhode Island rejected the amendment, though New Jersey did not ratify it until three years later in 1922. The National Prohibition Act was written to define the language and execution of the amendment and despite President Woodrow Wilsons attempt to veto the act, Congress and the Senate overrode his veto and set the start date for prohibition in the United States to January 17, 1920, the earliest date allowed by the 18th Amendment. The Temperance Movement Temperance Parade. Chicago History Museum/Getty Images At the time of its passage, the 18th Amendment was the culmination of well over a century of activity by members of the temperance movement- people who wanted the total abolishment of alcohol. In the mid-19th century in the United States and elsewhere, the rejection of alcohol began as a religious movement, but it never gained traction: The revenue from the alcohol industry was phenomenal even then. As the new century turned, however, so did the focus of the temperance leadership. Temperance became a platform of the Progressive Movement, a political and cultural movement that was a reaction to the Industrial Revolution. The Progressives wanted to clean up slums, end child labor, enforce shorter working hours, improve working conditions for people in factories, and stop excessive drinking. Banning alcohol, they felt, would protect the family, aid personal success, and reduce or eliminate crime and poverty. The leaders of the movement were in the Anti-Saloon League of America, who, allied with the Womens Christian Temperance Union mobilized the Protestant churches and obtained major funding from businessmen and the corporate elite. Their activities were instrumental in achieving the two-thirds majority needed in both houses to initiate what would become the 18th Amendment. The Volstead Act The original wording of the 18th amendment barred the manufacture, sale, transportation, and exportation of intoxicating beverages, but it didnt define what intoxicating meant. Many of the people who supported the 18th amendment believed that the real problem was saloons and that drinking was acceptable in respectable settings. The 18th amendment didnt prohibit imports (the Webb-Kenyon Act of 1913 did that) but Webb-Kenyon only enforced the imports when it was illegal in the receiving states. At first, people who wanted alcohol could get it semi-legally and safely. But the Volstead Act, which was passed by Congress and then came into effect on January 16, 1920, defined the intoxicating level at .05 percent alcohol by volume. The utilitarian arm of the temperance movement wanted to ban saloons and control alcohol production: People believed their own drinking was blameless, but it was bad for everyone else and the society at large. The Volstead Act made that untenable: If you wanted alcohol, you now had to get it illegally. The Volstead Act also created the first Prohibition Unit, in which men and women were hired at the federal level to serve as prohibition agents. Consequences of the 18th Amendment The result of the combined 18th Amendment and the Volstead Act was economic devastation in the liquor industry. In 1914, there were 318 wineries, in 1927 there were 27. Liquor wholesalers were cut by 96 percent, and the number of legal retailers by 90 percent. Between 1919 and 1929, tax revenue from distilled spirits dropped from $365 million to under $13 million; revenues from fermented liquors went from $117 million to virtually nothing. Bans on liquor importation and exportation crippled American ocean liners who were competing with other countries. Farmers lost the legal market of their crops to distilleries. Its not that the framers didnt realize that they would be losing the tax revenue they got from the alcohol industry (not to mention job loss and raw material market loss): They simply believed after World War I that prosperity and economic growth would be adequately bolstered by the gains of the Progressive movement, including doing away with alcohol, to overcome any initial costs. Bootlegging Marcia Frost One main consequence of the 18th Amendment was the steep increase in smuggling and bootlegging- massive quantities of alcohol were smuggled out of Canada or made in small stills. There was no funding provided in the 18th Amendment for federal policing or prosecuting drink-related crimes. Although the Volstead Act created the first federal Prohibition Units, it didnt really become effective at the national level until 1927. State courts became clogged with alcohol-related cases. When voters recognized that even near beer productions by the limping alcohol manufacturers Coors, Miller, and Anheuser Busch were now not legally accessible, tens of millions of people refused to obey the law. Illegal operations to manufacture alcohol and speakeasies to distribute it were rife. Juries would often not convict bootleggers, who were seen as Robin Hood figures. Despite the level of overall criminality, the mass violations by the public created lawlessness and a widespread disrespect for the law. Rise of the Mafia The opportunities for making money in the bootlegging business were not lost on organized crime in the United States. As legitimate alcohol businesses closed, the Mafia and other gangs took control of its production and sale. These became sophisticated criminal enterprises that reaped huge profits from the illicit liquor trade. The Mafia were protected by crooked police and politicians who were bribed to look the other way. The most notorious of the Mafia dons was Chicagos Al Capone, who earned an estimated $60 million annually from his bootlegging and speakeasy operations. Income from bootlegging flowed into the old vices of gambling and prostitution, and the resulting widespread criminality and violence added to the growing demand for repeal. Although there were arrests during the 1920s, the Mafias lock on bootlegging was only successfully broken by repeal. Support for Repeal The growth of support for the repeal of the 18th amendment had everything to do with the promises of the Progressive movement balanced with the devastation of the Great Depression. But even before the stock market crash in 1929, the Progressive reform movement, which had seemed so idyllic in its plan for a healthier society, lost credibility. The Anti-Saloon League insisted on zero tolerance and aligned itself with distasteful elements such as the Ku Klux Klan. Young people saw progressive reform as a suffocating status quo. Many prominent officials warned about the consequences of lawlessness: Herbert Hoover made it a central plank on his successful bid for the presidency in 1928. A year after the stock market crashed, six million men were out of work; in the first three years after the crash, an average of 100,000 workers were fired every week. The politicians who had argued that progressivism would bring prosperity were now held responsible for the depression. By the early 1930s, the same corporate and religious elite people who supported the establishment of the 18th Amendment now lobbied for its repeal. One of the first was Standard Oils John D. Rockefeller, Jr., a major financial supporter of the 18th Amendment. On the night before the 1932 Republican convention, Rockefeller said that he now supported repeal of the Amendment, despite being a teetotaler on principle. Repeal of the 18th Amendment After Rockefeller, many other businessmen signed on, saying that the benefits of prohibition were far outweighed by the costs. There was a growing socialist movement in the country, and people were organizing into unions: The elite businessmen including Pierre Du Pont of Du Pont manufacturing and Alfred P. Sloan Jr. of General Motors were frankly terrified. The political parties were more cautious: Both were for Resubmission of the 18th amendment to the states and if the popular vote agreed, they would move to repeal it. But they were split on who would receive economic benefits. The Republicans wanted liquor control to lie with the federal government, while the Democrats wanted it returned to the states. In 1932, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Jr. quietly endorsed repeal: His main promises for the presidency were balanced budgets and fiscal integrity. After he won and the Democrats swept in with him in December 1933, the lame-duck 72nd Congress reconvened and the Senate voted to submit the 21st Amendment to state conventions. The House approved it in February. In March 1933, Roosevelt asked Congress to modify the Volstead Act to allow 3.2 percent near beer and in April it was legal in most of the country. FDR had two cases shipped to the White House. On Dec. 5, 1933, Utah became the 36th state to ratify the 21st Amendment, and the 18th Amendment was repealed. Sources Blocker Jr., Jack S. Did Prohibition Really Work? Alcohol Prohibition as a Public Health Innovation. American Journal of Public Health 96.2 (2006): 233–43. Print.Bourdreaux, Donald J., and A.C. Pritchard. The Price of Prohibition. Arizona Law Review 36 (1994). Print.Dietler, Michael. Alcohol: Anthropological/Archaeological Perspectives. Annual Review of Anthropology 35.1 (2006): 229–49. Print.Levine, Harry Gene. The Birth of American Alcohol Control: Prohibition, the Power Elite, and the Problem of Lawlessness. Contemporary Drug Problems 12 (1985): 63–115. Print.Miron, Jeffrey A., and Jeffrey Zwiebel. Alcohol Consumption During Prohibition. The American Economic Review 81.2 (1991): 242–47. Print.Webb, Holland. Temperance Movements and Prohibition. International Social Science Review 74.1/2 (1999): 61–69. Print.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Fraud Fears in Internet Banking 1.Introduction Dissertation
Fraud Fears in Internet Banking 1.Introduction - Dissertation Example Banking industry is no different; banking operations and processes have become more accessible and convenient for the customers due to the introduction of internet banking. Banking operations are no longer restricted to the limited business hours of the bank, rather can be done at any time via the internet. However, this technology has also proved to make customers’ details and intellectual assets of the companies vulnerable in the presence of increasing security threats from hackers and intruders. Internet frauds related to the banking sector have become major concerns for customers around the world. Some of the most common online banking frauds have been discussed in the paper, along with the discussion of few real life instances of such crimes. 2. Internet Banking Internet banking offers a wide range of activities like balance inquiries, transfer of accounts etc. The acquisition and transfer of customer details and information on the internet makes the whole process vulnerable, along with the presence of internet scams that aim to steal the information of customers. Financial institutions have suffered great losses over the years by becoming victims of malicious activities of cyber criminals. Cicutti (2008) quoted the results of a research study by Association of Payment Clearing Services (Apacs); it concluded that instances of ‘cardholder not present’ are increasing around 37% after every year. The losses reached to an enormous amount of ?290m in 2007. These figures include fraudulent attempts via the internet, mail and phone. Few other figures have been reported by Financial Fraud Action UK in Sky News (2009); it pointed out that only first half of 2009 marked a 55% increase in the rate of internet banking frauds with the figur e of ?390m as compared to the figures for the year 2008. The alarming increment of internet banking crimes denote that the cyber criminals are getting more technology savvy who are adopting innovative technologies to overcome the security measures of the financial institutions to violate the privacy of the customers’ data. Internet banking has been widely accepted by customers due to its convenience. Spam Laws (2009) stated that around 45% of the 141 million grownups in US opt for online payment of their bills. Along with convenience, comes a huge price for the customers who prefer online banking. Spam Laws (2009) also provided the information that around 2 million Americans became victims of fraudulent actions in the year 2004, where customers were reported to suffer losses of around $1, 200 on average at every instance of fraud. After the analysis of the findings, it was concluded that the increasing number of fraudulent actions were known to have the source as online banki ng. 2.1 Types of Internet Frauds There are numerous types of internet banking frauds. Few of the most common ones have been discussed below: 2.1.1 Phishing/ Scam Emails The concept of phishing originates from two words; password and fishing. Zin andYunos (2005) explained that this technique is used to retrieve customer’s bank details by making the activity look like a regular procedure from his respective bank. Several types of information may be aimed to be extracted by the user, such as social security numbers, online banking credentials, credit card numbers etc. The sender might pose to be a bank officer who wants to update the customer’s data in the bank database. Recipients might reply to such emails with the understanding that it is a
Variable pay strategy and program for an online retailer Research Paper
Variable pay strategy and program for an online retailer - Research Paper Example Variable pay can at times be long termed (more than a year) while at times it can be short termed (less than a year). Incentives refer to pre determined standards or criteria used in award determination. Bonuses on the other hand are wards delivered to the people concerned at the end of a certain period. The period on the case of bonuses is determined by the subject judgment of the quality of the performance while a reward is warranted (Variable Pay and Performance Linked Incentives, 2010). Strategy An effective variable pay program is as result of a strategic variable pay strategy, this strategy acts as a guideline for a quality design and program administration. A strategic program has the following characteristics: the clearly fit in the organizational structure and are steers of the organizations success. For a strategy to contribute to the success any organization, it must be in line with the mission and vision of the organization concerned. The speed of a strategy does not brin g about and importance because most likely it may be speeding to the wrong direction. A quality and strategic program should target to meet the objectives of the organization by lying down the require plans which if properly and rightfully administered, it would take the firm to another level. The strategy of the program should be also sound enough to bring about sustainability of the firm putting in consideration all the core strengths of the organization. It is also critical for a strategy to be in a specific context. It must bring out feasibility where it suits with the culture of the organization and that of the human resource, this must consider the organizational environment and realities that exists. Integration must also prevail where the structure of the program suits in the structure of the specific organization including the human resource’s structure. The program must also be flexible enough to respond to appropriateness and changes within an organization (Variabl e Pay Plan Development, 2011). There are differences between other compensations and variable pay, this differences occur on the bases of benefits and base pay. Variable pay program does not fit in entitlement cultures, this is because it’s not career annuity where base pay increase and must be compensated trough earnings over the given period. In reference to financial perspective, variable pay is a variable cost but the benefits and base pay are naturally fixed. There are difficulties in administering variable pay, competitive measurements is on of these difficulties. Levels of variable pay vary dramatically unlike levels of base pays, this helps in transforming average of the prevailing market into a broad-range, other than a specific point. One of the major characteristic of these variable pays is that it can be combined with other components to evaluate the performance of different levels in the organization both long term and long term (Variable Pay and Performance Link ed Incentives, 2010). The most significant benefits associated with variable pay compared to other types of compensations it that cost related to planning can be combined with performance/revenues and therefore vary economically. In Alaska, there is an advantage of using this kind of system because when the world’s economy is open to large variation, it carries with itself competitive advantage because the situation disadvantages them
Friday, October 18, 2019
Assignment 5 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
5 - Assignment Example stomers with purchasing convenience and seamless access to the company’s portfolio is the main evidence of customer intimacy and support that FedEx offers to its customers. In addition, each of the FedEx\u2019s business segments has independent operations and strategies that enhance anticipation and customer support. In addition, FedEx has a supportive website ( that demonstrates its product leadership. 2. What are FedEx’s four main business segments? Provide two examples of traceable fixed costs for each of FedEx’s four business segments. Provide two examples of common costs that are not traceable to the four business segments. FedEx Express, FedEx Ground, FedEx Freight and FedEx Kinko\u2019s are the main business segments of the company (FedEx Form 10-K 2005, p. 3). On the other hand, the cost of maintaining the Memphis international airport facility and purchase of 557 airliners are examples of traceable cost for FedEx Express. Traceable costs for FedEx Ground includes cost of maintaining information and data centers located in Pittsburgh (FedEx Form 10-K 2005, p. 25) in addition the business segment caters for Daniel Sullivan’s (CEO) salary. Finally, traceable costs for FedEx Freight’s include cost of owning and maintaining 39,500 vehicles and trailers and their customs-critical headquarters at Ohio. A common example of not traceable to the four business segments would be PGA golf tournaments sponsored by the company. 6. Assume that the senior managers of FedEx Express and FedEx Ground each have an investment opportunity that would require $20 million of additional operating assets and that would increase operating income by $4 million. If FedEx evaluates all of its senior managers using ROI, would the managers of both segments pursue the investment opportunity? If FedEx evaluates all of its senior managers using residual income, would the managers of both segments pursue the investment opportunity? 4,000,000) = 1. From the previous
EVIDENCE-BASED PRACTICE PAPER Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
EVIDENCE-BASED PRACTICE PAPER - Essay Example According to Cleary (143), some people who do not suffer from any mental illness hurt themselves and others; however, suffering from psychiatric conditions increases the likelihood of a person doing self-harm. Individuals with personality disorders of any kind are at high risk of hurting themselves; including dual personality disorder and borderline personality disorder. In addition, phobias to various common phenomena cause people to harm themselves in one way or the other, as is depression caused by many pressures of daily living. Schizophrenia reduces a person’s ability to distinguish between real and imagined things, thereby causing a person to harm self or others. In addition, schizophrenic patients tend to be suicidal especially if the patients are young and know what the disease will do to their lives. Final in the list of mental disorders is Munchausen Syndrome, though it results in self-harm to a lesser extent. Recent studies have shown that terminally ill patients ar e also at risk of committing self-harm or suicide in extreme cases, for instance, HIV/AIDS patients. Psychologically, self-harm is caused by any form of trauma including childhood abuse, bereavement, and abusive relationships. Autism may cause patients to harm themselves, while other factors in life in may also contribute, including poverty and unemployment. Lesch-Nyhan syndrome is the only genetic conditions that result in self-harm; however, genetics predisposes a person to conditions like stress and depression that may cause a patient to self-harm. Alcoholics are the most predisposed drug users to self-harm, accounting for over 60 percent of drug users who do so. Harming oneself due to drug influence may occur when a person is abusing the drugs, due to the addiction, or because of withdrawal symptoms resulting from attempting to stop the habit (Laye-Gindhu and
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Global Decision Support Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Global Decision Support - Essay Example That DSS tools are effective in managerial decision making processes implies managers must improve the tools’ capacities to work efficiently to yield the right information structure (Antunes et al., 2007). Thus the generation, design, implementation, interpretation and implementation of DSS tools should be done efficiently and competently to solve decision-making problems. A DSS system should thus serve as a competitive advantage that helps an organization to tackle decision-making problems based on consistent information and information structure and win markets. Background Generally, a Decision Support System (DSS) is a compilation of amalgamated software and hardware applications (tools, techniques, and models) used by an organization as the benchmark of decision making process. Since decision making requires the analysis of data, a DSS should be data-driven. The concepts of Business Intelligence (BI), Organizational Intelligence (OI), and Competitive Intelligence (CI), whi ch encompass the processes, methodologies, and reporting tools central to decision support systems to report, monitor, and analyze data are also important in DSS and decision making (Antunes et al., 2007). This paper reviews literatures on the benefits and buy-in of global DSS, the processes of implementing global DSS, the ethical issues related to global DSS, and the possible ways by which global DSS may increase global partners. A global Decision Support System (GDSS) is a computer-based interactive system used by teams from different organizations, countries or regions to make decisions, solve problems, and make choices. Specifically, global DSS aims to support groups in the analysis of problem situations and in the performance of collective decision-making tasks. From its name global DSS is quite descriptive and is a mixture of systems that uses intricate communications infrastructures and quantitative models to support decision-making processes. Literature Review As a consequen ce of increased globalization and heightened competition in the business world, entrepreneurs have resorted to using the latest technologies to make vital business decisions (Lynch, 1994). Similarly, a lot of literary work has focused on decision making and its various techniques and tools such as DSS. According to most authors, there are numerous aspects of DSS that organizations and managers should consider when venturing into global DSS. Global DSS benefits, implementation, and ethical issues are among the most extensively covered aspects of DSS in literatures. Businesses enjoy numerous benefits by implementing global DSS. For instance, for quite a long time, organizations have struggled to find an electronic commercial application that would allow them to jointly decode and interpret information to allow them to make use of these decision making tools in the accompaniment of other organizations or business partners (Lynch, 1994). The first among the many benefits of global DSS i s that it allows organizations to orient their resources towards providing managers with all the required information for strategic decision making. Global DSS offers organizations several other capabilities, including support for decision-making processes in ill-structured situations that lack full computerization and requires computer-based assistance for voluminous data accessibility and processing (Lynch, 1994). Global DSS also helps in the rapid acquisition of quantity and quality results for reaching decision by supporting the various stages of
Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Economics - Essay Example Global capitalism has been tried before in the world and it has failed. However, when the reforms proposed by the West prove ineffective, it tends to blame the East for its innate weaknesses like insufficient entrepreneurial skills. The matter of the fact is the entrepreneurial skills of the Third World and the ex-communist countries are quite similar to those of their Western counterparts. If the people in the third world do not suffer from certain fundamental deficiency in cultural or genetic heritage, then what could be the reason behind the fact that the capitalism is successful only in the West? An answer to this puzzling question is the failure of the Third World and the ex-communist countries to produce capital. The poor people in the developing world are not wanting in the assets that make capital successful. They in fact hold these assets in defective form: the ownership rights are not fully documented, the terms of the businesses are not defined and the industries are not l ocated at suitable places the cumulative result of which is that these assets cannot be turned into capital. In the West, the property is fully documented which can be used as a capital for producing surplus value in various forms such as mortgage and securities. Because of the absence of this representational process, the third world countries are undercapitalized. The third world despite assimilating a lot of western cultural traits has failed to follow the example of the West in this crucial area of producing sufficient capital. This is the mystery of capital. The fundamental difference between the western nations and the Third World and the ex-communist countries is that only the former have the knowledge of converting capital from places which the other countries cannot. This absence of the conversion process in the Third World is compounded by the failure on the part of the West to understand the origin of the capital. This book is an effort to trace the history of capital and learn right lessons from it to help poor countries overcome their problems which have nothing to do with deficiencies in culture and genetic heritage. This fact has been made clear by the fact that the regions which are culturally as diverse as Russia and Latin America share the same problems because of building capitalism without capital. The Third World today faces the same challenges such as lack of enforcement of property rights, poor law and order situation and biased business and trade regulations which were faced by US in its early history and other Western countries only a couple of centuries before. There are at least five questions which need to be answered to understand why the role of capital despite being the most important component of Western development is not adequately understood: first, how much saving has been done by the poorest sectors of society in the west; second, what is the nature of capital and what is its role in the creation of wealth; third, why have the governments not been able to put the â€Å"dead Capital†in the hands of the poor people to some profitable use; four, why have the lessons not been learnt from the history of successful capitalist countries and five, why the adoption of the Western legal system in the third world has not delivered. The Mystery of Missing Information In the Third World, the documentation of property
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Global Decision Support Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Global Decision Support - Essay Example That DSS tools are effective in managerial decision making processes implies managers must improve the tools’ capacities to work efficiently to yield the right information structure (Antunes et al., 2007). Thus the generation, design, implementation, interpretation and implementation of DSS tools should be done efficiently and competently to solve decision-making problems. A DSS system should thus serve as a competitive advantage that helps an organization to tackle decision-making problems based on consistent information and information structure and win markets. Background Generally, a Decision Support System (DSS) is a compilation of amalgamated software and hardware applications (tools, techniques, and models) used by an organization as the benchmark of decision making process. Since decision making requires the analysis of data, a DSS should be data-driven. The concepts of Business Intelligence (BI), Organizational Intelligence (OI), and Competitive Intelligence (CI), whi ch encompass the processes, methodologies, and reporting tools central to decision support systems to report, monitor, and analyze data are also important in DSS and decision making (Antunes et al., 2007). This paper reviews literatures on the benefits and buy-in of global DSS, the processes of implementing global DSS, the ethical issues related to global DSS, and the possible ways by which global DSS may increase global partners. A global Decision Support System (GDSS) is a computer-based interactive system used by teams from different organizations, countries or regions to make decisions, solve problems, and make choices. Specifically, global DSS aims to support groups in the analysis of problem situations and in the performance of collective decision-making tasks. From its name global DSS is quite descriptive and is a mixture of systems that uses intricate communications infrastructures and quantitative models to support decision-making processes. Literature Review As a consequen ce of increased globalization and heightened competition in the business world, entrepreneurs have resorted to using the latest technologies to make vital business decisions (Lynch, 1994). Similarly, a lot of literary work has focused on decision making and its various techniques and tools such as DSS. According to most authors, there are numerous aspects of DSS that organizations and managers should consider when venturing into global DSS. Global DSS benefits, implementation, and ethical issues are among the most extensively covered aspects of DSS in literatures. Businesses enjoy numerous benefits by implementing global DSS. For instance, for quite a long time, organizations have struggled to find an electronic commercial application that would allow them to jointly decode and interpret information to allow them to make use of these decision making tools in the accompaniment of other organizations or business partners (Lynch, 1994). The first among the many benefits of global DSS i s that it allows organizations to orient their resources towards providing managers with all the required information for strategic decision making. Global DSS offers organizations several other capabilities, including support for decision-making processes in ill-structured situations that lack full computerization and requires computer-based assistance for voluminous data accessibility and processing (Lynch, 1994). Global DSS also helps in the rapid acquisition of quantity and quality results for reaching decision by supporting the various stages of
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Developing an Alternative Strategy Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 99
Developing an Alternative Strategy - Case Study Example Dubai One has an experienced workforce. After being in existence for a very long time, the subordinates have gained enough experience on how to retain the competitive advantage of the company in the market. The company does not focus on customer relationship management. Instead, it focuses more on the revenues and how to suppress the competitors. This can be used by the competitors to attract the attention of the customers towards their services. The cost structure is not effective. The business model being used by the firm which is based on selling half-hour slots of commercial time to program producers and charging them with a minimum guarantee is not effective and sustainable in the modern market. The internal factor is the most significant for the existence of the business. With the increasing levels of globalization resulting from the liberalization of markets, efficient flow of information and integration of economies, the firm needs to sort out the internal factor if it has to remain competitive. An alternative strategy would be to merge with one of the firms in order to strengthen the company in the market. Through the new firm that would emerge through merging, the company should change its competitive strategies by adopting the new tactics that were used by the private firm. This would strengthen the company’s position in the market. Acquiring new employees who were in the private sector would enhance the company’s chances of privatizing its operations. I think the proposed alternative is the best because it will allow the company to evolve and diversify its operations. At the moment, the company is rigid to changes and relies on its tactics on program producers to retain its competitive edge. However, the new proposal will make the firm use its funds more efficiently through expanding its operations to the untapped market.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Water short essay Essay Example for Free
Water short essay Essay Water is one of the natures precious gifts to mankind. All living things consist mostly of water eg. the human body is of two thirds of water. It is clear, colourless liquid that appears blue when viewed through a thickness of 20 ft. The colour reflects not only from physical causes but also from suspended impurities. The freezing point of water is 0degree centigrade and its boiling point is 100 degree centigrade. Water is the most essential component of life and is vital for sustenance. The importance of water in our diet is apparent as it helps the body to perform specific metabolic tasks and regulates our body temperature, moreover water is unique as its density is similar to that of cell protoplasm. There is no doubt that water is everywhere and it is very important to our Earth and the life inhabiting it. Water contains no calories and is a significant factor in losing weight. It is the key component in determining the quality of our lives and is a universal solvent. We should teach children to turn off faucets tightly after use, adjust sprinklers to water your lawn. Plant in the fall when conditions are cooler and collect water used for rinsing fruits and vegetables to water house plants, wash your pets outdoors in an area of your lawn that needs water and repair leaking pipes, harvest rain water. People use up our planets fresh water faster than it can naturally be replenished so, save water for the Earth, family and community. Cultural views of water are based on predominent religious views, like the Ganges river in Hinduism. Water is known as the elixir of life. So Conserve water to save life.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Written and Unwritten Rules on the CUE Bus :: Projects Driving Buses Papers
Written and Unwritten Rules on the CUE Bus I have been riding the CUE bus regularly for a period of about two years now, and through that time have learned a lot about what goes on on the bus. The thing that has stood out to me the most is the many written and unwritten rules that govern behavior for both passengers and bus drivers. There are certain things one needs to do to be a "successful" passenger, and I have learned many of them along the way through experience and observation, without even really noticing it. For the past two months I have consciously observed people and how they relate to these rules, and the patterns have become even more clear to me. Rules for Bus Drivers One main thing that one needs to do be a successful passenger is to understand the rules that govern how the bus drivers behave, because this will effect the choices that you make. The bus drivers have a lot of rules they have to follow that are given to them by the management. For instance, they are supposed to do everything in their power to arrive at each bus stop at the posted time on the schedule. They are also supposed to only pick up passengers or let them off at designated CUE bus stops. The bus drivers must constantly balance these rules with another, unwritten rule - that they should be friendly and considerate to the people who are riding the bus. Sometimes these two principles come into conflict, and that's when things really get interesting. Some examples of times when they come into conflict are the following: The Bus Driver is Ahead of Schedule It is bad for the bus driver to arrive at a bus stop late, but it is even worse for him to arrive there early, because then people who have not gotten there yet may miss the bus. I have seen bus drivers stop at Rite Aid pharmacy (on the intersection of Lee Highway and Chainbridge road) and at George Mason and sit for several minutes because they were ahead of schedule. This creates an awkward situation for the people riding on the bus, who are now just sitting stopped for no apparent reason. The longer the bus sits, the more awkward it feels. Although nobody has ever complained about it out loud, there is an unspoken pressure.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Gustave Caillebottes Paris Street; Rainy Day Essay -- Paris sous la P
Gustave Caillebotte's Paris Street; Rainy Day The first thing that strikes me is the size of the work. About seven feet tall and nine feet wide, this painting dominates its gallery and overwhelms the viewer. The couple in the foreground of the painting is nearly life size, and with the man poised to take another step it seems he might climb right over the frame and walk right into the gallery. The bold perspective thrusts the scene outward, and with details such as the sharply receding roofline of the main building and the acute tilt of the street, geometric and visual effects are created which push and pull the viewer and instill the painting with action. This work is more complex and detailed then one might first imagine, and with such a rich surface and vast array of minutiae it truly requires an "in person" viewing for full comprehension. Painted in 1877 by the wealthy painter/impressionist connoisseur Gustave Caillebotte, Paris, A Rainy Day is a depiction of a familiar five-way intersection in a wealthy area of Paris near the artist's home on a rainy and overcast day. A host of characters are dispersed throughout the canvas, strolling about and engaging in usual daily activities. The expansive street and uniform architecture, common in Paris after Haussmann's renovations, are accentuated, and in many ways the work is a verisitic snapshot of modern everyday life. In the foreground a well to do couple with interlocked arms and a shared umbrella walks towards the viewer. By noting the angle of reflections from the lamppost and other figures it seems as if the painter is taking his view from directly in front of these persons, and being the most prominent figures they certainly warrant a more detailed discussion. The man gazes to his right. His eyes are a soft grayish hue and he walks assertively. The gaze on his face is difficult to read; perhaps he is longing or being contemplative, in any event he seems detached. It seems reasonable to label him the protagonist. The woman tilts her head as well, and is most likely observing the same object or event as her companion. Observed close up she appears to have an emergent smile on her comely face. The dots on her veil, a dazzlingly white earring (likely a diamond) and an azure blue tuft of cloth noticeable at her neckline are particularly striking, and provide vibrancy... ...e men from the title of flaneur. In the expression on their faces it almost seems as if there is some yearning for prior times. Because this painting is a modern cityscape it is ipso facto a painting of modernity (one thinks of Baudelair) and a record of the fashions of 1877. By recording the actual events of his own time, Caillebotte was part of a somewhat radical new type of painting. His figures are shown accurately in contemporary dress, and he has essentially taken a mundane and fleeting moment and captured it eternally on a monumental scale. Celebrating modernity, while simultaneously casting a critical eye, is one of the signature hallmarks of impressionism and inchoate modern art. Paris, A Rainy Day is a complex work of both technical virtuosity and implied thematic elements which synthesize to engross the viewer visually and entice them mentally to think about urban life and feelings of alienation. The painting conflates multiple issues which surround and form the foundation of the art historical study of the Impressionists' Paris, and remains in its grandeur as a historical visual document, a commentary on urban life, and a testament to modernity.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Anthem – Ayn Rand
Anthem by Ayn Rand is a disturbing book. It is disturbing in the sense that it opens the reader eyes to a world without individuals. A world without the notion of me, my, I, but only with us, we, ours. This world is one of a collectivist society. Collectivism is based on principals of the â€Å"common good. †Everyone pitched in towards this common good, but in order to do that society could not have any out-liers. Thus, individual rights were taken away. This story is one of hope that shows that no matter the situation the human spirit will continue to fight for itself. There are many strong quotes in this book that further the image of the collective society and show how one young man, Equality 7-2521 fights in his own mind against what society tells him. These images connect the book with outside ideas by not only telling the reader what happens when collectivism goes to far, but by showing the reader what a collective society would look like. One such quote is â€Å"The only thing which taught us joy were the power we created in our wires, and The Golden One. This passage is very significant. The reason being Equality 7-2521 realizes that he does not find joy in society. He finds that he has received joy by his own doing and the choice he has to love one other person. It says in the book that it was considered a sin to look at a person of the opposite sex, but when Equality sees the Golden One he can not help himself. He starts to think that society is wrong. Equality does not understand how society could find the relationship he has with The Golden One sinful. It was one of those â€Å"if this is wrong, I don't want to be right†moments. Equality starts forming his own opinions about life apart from society's opinions. He comes to this realization by remembering how unhappy his childhood was because when he went to school he was whipped for being smarter than the others, and he recalled he had never been truly happy†¦ until now. He sees the connection between breaking the law, and finding happiness and realizes that maybe society isn't as omnipotent as he was taught it was. He found joy in his wires. Like a father beaming with pride for his son , Equality found an inner-joy from his creation that he had never felt before. His life up until this point had been full of oppression, and of being punished for qualities that would be praised in a normal society such as being smart, and handsome. Equality's glass box and wires are something he decided society could not take away from him not matter what. This is the first time Equality had felt true independent and he is not about to give it up. This is the first time he has gone against the grain. He chose to make the wire. He made it all by himself, not him along with 99 other people. This is the first thread of individualism that he lets shine through. It is crucially important because in order for change to occur Equality must separate himself from society completely. If Equality kept depending on society like he was then his life would simply drudge on, and his thirst for something new and exciting would never be quenched. This joy he has found in the Golden One and in his wires will drive him to take a huge leap of faith, and not be afraid to try to make it on his own. They give him the security he needs to trust in himself. The society that Equality lives in is a collectivist society. In collectivism one gives up their rights as an individual for the good of the whole. That sounds innocent enough, but when Ayn Rand takes it to an extreme it seems horrible. At one point in the novel Similarity 5-0306 states, â€Å"Men have no cause to exist save in toiling for other men. †The quote taps into the very root of collectivism and could not be clearer. The people of this society had been taught that theme from a very young age. They were taught that they were worth nothing unless â€Å"brother men†needed them. They had no right to exist on their own, that right was taken away the second it became a collectivist society. The reader saw this quote come to life through the everyday life of Equality 7-2521. He is a street sweeper who goes along everyday, all day and cleans the streets for the other people. He picks up all the trash on the streets in front of other people's businesses. And in return, all of the street sweepers are provided with food, clothes, and other necessities. Another huge point is that the society does not use money. This means they have a direct service for service system. Which means that if one wanted clothes in the society, they would need to perform a service for the tailor. Likewise, if the tailor wanted a clean street he would need to make togas for the street sweepers. Everyone is so dependent on each other that they know they can not survive in this society on their own. â€Å"The glass box in our arms, is like a living heart that gives us strength. We have lied to ourselves. We have not built the box for the good of our brothers. †This quote gives us an idea of where Equality got his courage. It took so much courage for him to break out of the detention center and go to the House of the Scholars. It took courage for him to leave into the uncharted forest, determined to find someplace he could call home. This quote is when Equality realizes that the wires he made are more than raw materials, and more then an invention, they are worth his life. They have become not only a beating heart but his heart. He knows that this is what he was living for, this forbidden something that he cannot name yet-Independence. By the rejection of his box, society pushed Equality to do what he has secretly always wanted to do†¦ leave. All of these quotes show the principals of collectivism, which was the main theme running throughout Anthem. Ayn Rand drives in the point that collectivism, although seemingly innocent squashes out any room for development in a society. She also shows the reader how the human spirit is not easily overcome.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
“The Veldt†Essay Essay
Technology and its Bad Effect on Families Imagine holding so much engineering that your childs start to believe of it as their female parent and male parent. The narrative â€Å"The Veldt†by Ray Bradbury uses many literary elements to demo the audience that excessively much engineering can destruct a household. In the narrative. two childs and their parents live in a Happylife Home that does their mundane undertakings for them. The children’s parents. George and Lydia. are traveling to larn that giving their kids excessively much engineering is traveling to take to bad events in the hereafter. Through the usage of struggle. scene. and characterization Bradbury conveys that excessively much engineering can destruct a household. By depicting the struggles between the Hadley’s. Bradbury conveys that excessively much engineering can destruct a household. In the narrative. Peter gets into an statement with his pa who wants to turn off the baby's room. It is a good illustration of the struggle between them two. He says to his male parent. â€Å"I wish you were dead†( Bradbury 7 ) . This shows that Peter has so much engineering in his life and now that his pa threatens to turn it off. he wants his pa gone. In add-on to this piece of grounds. Bradbury explains the psychologist look intoing in with the baby's room and what he finds out about it. â€Å"You’ve Lashkar-e-Taiba this room and this house replace you and your married woman in your child’s fondnesss. This room is their female parent and male parent. far more of import in their lives so their existent parents. And now you come along and want to close it off. No admiration there’s hatred here†( Bradbury 6 ) . This shows how Wendy and Peter have so much engineering in their lives. that it is replacing their parents and making a struggle between them. The childs don’t want their parents around any longer since they have this engineering. Through the descriptions of the struggles between the Hadley household. readers see how so much engineering impacts them throughout the narrative. Through depicting the scene of the narrative. Bradbury conveys that excessively much engineering can destruct a household. In the narrative. the scene is largely the Happylife place that the Hadley’s live in and is described by Peter kicking that he may hold to make undertakings himself. â€Å"That sounds awful! Would I have to bind my ain places alternatively of allowing the shoe grade make it? And brush my ain dentition and comb my hair and give myself a bath? †( Bradbury 5 ) . This shows how the childs are so used to holding engineering do everything for them that when their parents endanger to turn it off. they are forced to believe about what they might hold to make and they don’t want it to go on. Furthermore. Bradbury explains the scene of the baby's room as being the African Veldt. â€Å"He stepped into Africa. How many times in the last year†¦with slaying in the heat†( Bradbury 3 ) . This shows how this engineering is showing the childrenâ €™s ideas onto the walls of the baby's room which happens to be the African Veldt with hungry king of beastss. Besides. the usage of the word â€Å"murder†in the quotation mark is a mark of what is traveling to go on to the parents subsequently in the narrative. By puting the scene of the narrative with descriptions of the scene. readers can see how Bradbury expresses how excessively much engineering can destruct a household. Last. Bradbury demonstrates that excessively much engineering can destruct a household by depicting the character’s personalities. In the narrative. George shows that he can be serious when needed while in an statement with Peter about turning off the house. â€Å"I won’t have any menaces from my son†( Bradbury 7 ) . This shows that Peter is so spoilt that when his pa wants to take engineering off from Peter. he threatens his pa which is traveling to take to more household struggles subsequently on. Additionally. Bradbury explains the psychologist’s visit to look into the baby's room and figure out what’s incorrect. â€Å"How come you didn’t feel this before? †( Bradbury ) . This shows that since the last clip the psychologist checked the baby's room. the kids have gotten more destructive heads and ideas that create the African Veldt all because of how their parents have been handling them. The psychologist used the engineering to ca lculate out how the kids have bad ideas toward their parents. which is traveling to ensue in the ruin of their household. Through the descriptions of these characters’ personalities. readers see the negative impact engineering has on this household. Ray Bradbury demonstrates to the reader of â€Å"The Veldt†through the usage of struggle. scene and word picture that excessively much engineering they had in the baby's room and the whole house. In the terminal. the childs end up killing their parents in a surprise stoping. Bradbury makes a great point in composing about the hereafter to non let excessively much engineering into this universe because it could take over and take to bad events.
What is steaming (food)?
Steaming is a cooking method that uses the steam from water under varying degrees of pressure. Low pressure cooking is food cooked either direct contact with the steam or an indirect contact. High pressure steaming, on the other hand is done when steam is not allowed to escape the cooking equipment that increases the temperature and pressure build-up that reduces cooking time. 2. What is a bamboo steamer?A bamboo steamer is a round wooden cookware made from bamboo with a lattice for a bottom and a snug top. It is placed on a wok or a pan with water and the food is cooked inside the bamboo steamer. It can also be stacked on top of one another to enable food to be cooked simultaneously. The holes under the bamboo steamer are what cook the food inside of it in low pressure cooking. 3. Brief history of bamboo steam in Asia? The first bamboo steamer was developed in China where ovens are not a common sight.In Asian cuisine, as opposed to Western cuisine, rice, not bread is their staple, a nd therefore, the idea of using an oven is not a common one. As a substitute, to be able to cook their breads, they developed the steamer which is commonly used in cooking steamed cakes such as the siopao. 4. Healthy and Efficient Advantages of steamed food with a Bamboo Steamer As already stated earlier, the bamboo steamer can be stacked on top of one another making cooking large amounts of food more quickly to accomplish.It is also designed to fit in any wok and could also fit in pans so no special equipment is needed to use them. The bamboo also helps to absorb excess moisture to keep the food from becoming soggy and retains heat. Health benefits of cooking with a bamboo steamer include being able to cook the food without using any sort of fat, oils, or butter, retaining its healthy properties and appears fresh and vibrant, and its naturally antibacterial properties. 5.How to care for your bamboo steamer? In cleaning the bamboo steamer, mild soap should be used along with warm wa ter to prevent any damages. After washing, the bamboo steamer should be thoroughly drained and dried before it is put away to prevent molds from accumulating. Also, bamboo steamers should never be put in the dishwasher and as much as possible, direct food to steamer contact should be avoided (this can be done with the use of parchment paper or lettuce).Removing food bits that get stuck to the steamer should be removed with a nylon scrubber 6. Other uses for bamboo steamer (favor box, centerpiece†¦)? Uses for the bamboo steamer include: †¢ Centerpiece †¢ Dim Sum and Food Steaming †¢ Tamales †¢ Pie Carrier †¢ Gift Box †¢ Wedding Favors †¢ Heating food †¢ Steam-Dye Fabrics †¢ Pet Treat Basket †¢ Food Basket Reference: http://www. gourmetsleuth. com/Articles/Unique-Cooking-Tools-641/bamboo-steamer. aspx http://www. wisegeek. com/what-are-bamboo-steamers. htm
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Charges against 'sexting' teenagers highlight legal gaps by Alexandra Essay
Charges against 'sexting' teenagers highlight legal gaps by Alexandra Marks - Essay Example While the government is doing its best to protect young people from exploitation in ways it believes are most appropriate, some strongly hold the contrary view that teenagers of today would grow up fine, the same way those before them did, without the need of arbitrary laws that often stereotype and brand them as something they are not or, worse, turn them into something that society abhors-criminals. The article, moreover, elucidates that many of today's minors are being punished to suffer a penalty for something that some members of society do not even essentially consider as sin. According to them, there are certain things whose magnitude demands for formal social controls (in the form of laws controlling such behavior), yet there are things that are best dealt with within the family, as they have always been dealt with in the past few years. This issue connects with every facet of social structure by triggering differing opinions on the gravity of the matter as an issue of right and wrong, legal and illegal. Indeed, what is legal does not necessarily mean to be also moral, and vice versa. It is to be noted that every social strata, group, organization, and institution has its own perception of good or bad that, as expected and is but natural, would often come at variance with that of other units of society as explained by its differing social orientations. It is to be remembered that each of these units have influenced in one way or the other the shaping of these teenagers, as well as the shaping of laws and society's general sentiment on the issues. What the Issue Says about Our Society This issue tells us that society is a complex web of differing individuals that shape it and, in turn, are likewise shaped by it. The complexity of how society works is founded on the interplay of several aspects, such as power, values and norms, and shared or differing views of life in general. Societal values and norms, for example, determine what ways of doing things are acceptable to society and is often the main basis upon which laws are founded, though some concepts pertaining to power and influence cannot be discredited as well. Indeed, some are more powerful and influential than others; thus, they are more able to impose their perceived values and norms upon the entire society. Also, there is often, always a variation in what people may perceive as a shared view among everyone in a society. While most people agree that teenagers need moral guidance or protection, some prefer stringent measures, while others believe that such things are best resolved within the confines of the home and should only be discussed between parents and children. For in society's effort to save these children, it could instead lead it further astray, which takes a herculean effort to reverse. The Relationship between the People Involved and the Larger Society or Community While the people involved may not feel strongly that this issue is of a matter public concern, still there are some who believe that they exercise a moral responsibility to society as a whole. The latter feel that it is their bounden duty to protect the morals of society. It, however, should be noted that while a teenager may only look at the issue of sexting from his or her viewpoint, our
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
An Evolutionary View of the Style of Pablo Picasso Research Paper
An Evolutionary View of the Style of Pablo Picasso - Research Paper Example The essay "An Evolutionary View of the Style of Pablo Picasso" investigates the influential artist Pablo Picasso. Unlike many artists both before and after his time, Picasso differentiated his works into a series of periods which exhibited a number of unique thematic elements and worked to exploit common beliefs and motives. One such period was what art critiques have categorized Picasso’s â€Å"Blue Period†. As the name implies, during this time, Picasso painted a host of paintings which relied almost exclusively on varying monochromatic tones and shades of blue and blue-green. Although more than just a reliance on a particular type of paint, this period was also defined by the thematic sterility and coldness that it portrayed. In this way, Picasso used the medium of the paint to transform images that might typically be understood another way into images that bore a somber, cold, and realistically touching reality. Accordingly, this brief analysis will seek to apprecia te and understand Picasso’s â€Å"Blue Period†for the thematic elements, personal influences, and times in which this particular artwork was created. Picassso’s â€Å"Blue Period†is interesting beyond merely the thematic elements or the type of paints used to express these due to the fact that the â€Å"Blue Period†began when Picasso himself sank into what many scholars term a â€Å"deep depression". As a result of many of the life experiences that Picasso shared during the turn of the century to include his more complete grasp of his own mortality. ... Picasso struggled to sell them to an audience that was put off by their innately melancholy and cheerless subject matter. Many art critics have inferred incorrectly that Picasso’s incorporation of the underprivileged in society during this period was due to the fact that he himself was poor during this time and sought a way to reflect on the plight and situations associated with his fellow man. This however is not the case as it was the subject matter and the means in which Picasso approached it that sealed his fate with regards to the demand for his paintings and the subject matter with which he dealt during the â€Å"Blue Period†. Although many paintings of this period focus on the melancholy and sadness that Picasso felt as a result of his lost friend, Casagemas, another recurring theme throughout these paintings is in regards to the blindness and loss of sight that many of the characters exhibit within his works. It is the understanding of this author as well as a h ost of more talented art critics that this fixation with loss of sight and blindness helps to depict the depression and lack of vision that Picasso was experiencing during this time. Additionally, rather than choosing to focus his energies on typifying the plight of the extraordinary man/woman, Picasso chose for his subject matter the drunk, the prostitute, the nobody, and the everyman. In this way, the resounding emptiness that afflicts a faceless humanity is aptly expressed to the viewer in a way that a focus on a recognizable societal group or individual would not be. As the years progressed, Picasso, himself somewhat famous within the art community in Paris prior to 1901 began to fade into a type of
Sunday, October 6, 2019
The Cypriot financial crisis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
The Cypriot financial crisis - Essay Example The paper tells that the European economic crisis is an ongoing economic crisis that has made it hard or impossible for some nations in the euro region to re-finance or repay their government debt devoid of the help from third parties. Clerides and Stephanou noted that Cyprus was considered as a tax haven, thus becoming an epicenter for corruption and money laundering. This made the banking sector to be larger than the nation’s economy. Therefore, when there was an increase in public and private debt, the country went into recession with the economy shrinking by 1.67 % in 2009. This marked the beginning of the Cypriot economic crisis. Over the last decade, the Greek government has borrowed greatly from international markets in order to pay for its trade deficits and budget. Investors became nervous that the public debt was soaring high, which drove up Greece’s borrowing costs. With the banking systems in Cyprus were experiencing intense pressure; they amassed â‚ ¬22 billion of Greek private sector debt. This increase in public and private debt reduced economic growth plunging the country into a crisis. This market concerns is what initiated the study to examine how public and private debt contributed to the Cypriot Euro zone crisis. The Cyprus banking crisis was attributed to Cypriot banks investing heavily in Greek government bonds. The Cyprus banks came under intense financial pressure as the bad ratios escalated. Laiki bank reported that the bank was probably insolvent as early as 2008. This was even before Cyprus plunged into the Eurozone crisis.
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