Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Death Penalty5 essays
Death Penalty5 essays Imagine a man who commits murder, and is given a fifteen year jail sentence and is returned to the streets where he kills again. He is imprisoned again only to be released. This could happen since almost one in ten death row inmates has been convicted of murder at least once. That means that some death row inmates have had more than one opportunity to rehabilitate, yet continue to commit crimes. Should the U.S. justice system continue to let violent criminals back on the streets where they are likely to commit murder again? Capital punishment is one of the oldest forms of punishment. Most societies have thought it to be fair punishment for severe crimes. American colonists used capital punishment before the U.S. was a country, and most states still use it today. Currently, however, there has been a controversy surrounding the death penalty. Capital cases are long and expensive, and there are arguments in support and against capital punishment as a deterrent. If the laws con cerning capital punishment were modified so that it would become consistent, perhaps then it would be effective. But if that took place, would capital punishment be morally permissible? From a utilitarian standpoint, some crimes are so outrageous, such as murder, that it is by enacting the highest penalty for the taking of human life that society affirms the highest value of human life. Thus, if capital punishment is the most beneficial option to society, then the ends justify the means. One argument states that the death penalty doesn't deter crime. Dismissing capital punishment on that basis requires one to eliminate all prisons as well because they don't seem to be any more effective in the deterrence of crime. During the suspension of capital punishment from 1972-1976 research shows that "in 1960, there were 56 executions in the U.S. and 9,140 murders. By 1964, when there were 15 executions, murders had risen to 9,250. In 1969, there were no e...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Quotes About Being Nice from Famous People
Quotes About Being Nice from Famous People It is important to be nice. But sometimes being nice can be misconstrued as being weak. Should you be nice to everybody? Should you be nice only when others are nice to you? Do nice guys and gals finish last? Here are some interesting views and quotes about being nice. Dave Barry A person who is nice to you, but rude to the waiter, is not a nice person. Garrison Keillor You taught me to be nice, so nice that now I am so full of niceness, I have no sense of right and wrong, no outrage, no passion. Dag Hammarskjold It is easy to be nice, even to an enemy from lack of character. Addison Walker Its not true that nice guys finish last. Nice guys are winners before the game even starts. Wilson Mizner Be nice to people on your way up because you’ll meet them on your way down. Phyllis Diller Always be nice to your children because they are the ones who will choose your rest home. Fay Weldon Young women especially have something invested in being nice people, and it’s only when you have children that you realize you’re not a nice person at all, but generally a selfish bully. Bill Gates Be nice to nerds. Chances are you’ll end up working for one. Lord Hanson Always be nice to bankers. Always be nice to pension fund managers. Always be nice to the media. In that order. Drew Barrymore Weve got to learn hard things in our lifetime, but its love that gives you the strength. Its being nice to people and having a lot of fun and laughing harder than anything, hopefully, every single day of your life. Michael Arlen It is amazing how nice people are to you when they know youre going away. Richard Simmons Everyone in this world is somehow connected. So why not just be nice to everybody. Robert De Niro The hardest thing about being famous is that people are always nice to you. Paul Arden Everybody wants to be good, but not many are prepared to make the sacrifices it takes to be great. To many people, being nice in order to be liked is more important. Theres equal merit in that, but you must not confuse being good with being liked. Kirk Douglas Virtue is not photogenic. What is it to be a nice guy? To be nothing, thats what. A big fat zero with a smile for everybody. Muhammad Ali At home, I am a nice guy: but I dont want the world to know. Humble people, Ive found, dont get very far. Lillie Langtry No person in the world ever lost anything by being nice to me. John Templeton It is nice to be important, but its more important to be nice. Bryan Cranston Weve been trained since kindergarten: Be nice, be kind, share, put on a smile. So were conditioned to squash our natural selfish instincts, and thats the right thing for society.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Capturing a market - product development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Capturing a market - product development - Essay Example There has been news about inferior quality of Chinese products, harmful Chinese products, china's conflict with Tibet, contaminated liquor, etc. In its aspiration to be a global marketer, china needs to strategise its move so that it appears as the strongest contender across the globe. It needs to establish a positive and congenial brand equity with conscious efforts to undo the tarnished image. China as a brand is very popular with the world. There is no dearth of FDI in the country. Even amidst economic crises, China expects a drop of only 10% as far as FDI is concerned. Thus there is immense brand awareness and china is viewed as a market with huge potential. Thus the attitude of the customer is positive. China now needs to create brand knowledge and a positive perception of ethics and behaviour. China is known to be a conservative society and it maintains a particular code of conduct with regards to business practices. It offers talent as far as skilled workers is concerned, cheap labour for production, raw material at competitive prices and great entrepreneurs. They are a closely bound society and Chinese expatriates take care of development in the country, the Chinese talent is spread across the world and occupy high levels in organisations. A. Designing marketing strategy: A well designed and precise marketing strategy will generate brand awareness and brand associations, thereby effecting consumer knowledge in a positive manner. A. Showcasing China: Participate in expositions and showcase china as a tourist destination, industrial destination, HR destination, investment destination, etc. Alongside convince about the ethical practices and the approaches Chinese adopt in various situations. Any negative news should be countered through creative ways. B. Establishing China as a quality producer- Reposition: China faces the brunt of the buyers on the grounds that the product though cheap does not last long and is beyond repair most of the time. It's about time this perception is changed. Technological advancement should be followed and quality products should be manufactured and exported to the global markets. In doing this of course the price competitiveness will have to be maintained. C. Investments in R & D: Research and development initiatives will alter china's image as a market that imitates and makes the products at a cheaper cost. It should design and manufactures some trade marked products so that there is a change in the perception. D. Public Relations: To rebut a few charges against few industries for instance baby food industry, china should indulge in heavy P R exercise stating facts and coming up with clarifications. Through P R it should also initiate write ups and articles in other countries stating strengths of brand china, its new initiatives, new products, etc. E. Communication strategy: A communication strategy should be adopted each year with specified agenda which gives guidelines to all the involved personnel on what
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Discuss the impact of race, class and culture on responses to Black Essay
Discuss the impact of race, class and culture on responses to Black and minority ethnic womens experiences of domestic violence - Essay Example Therefore, this essay will discuss how the differences in race, class and culture varies the response of minority ethnic or black women’s response to domestic violence. For example, many black women would rather live in an abusive relationship instead of living singly forever (Mama, 2000 in Hanmer & Itzin, 2000). On the other hand, a white woman may not stand being a victim and demand separation. This example portrays how differently people of different cultures and ethnic backgrounds respond to domestic violence. However, this paper will discuss this in detail, while supporting arguments with various books and journals. Further more, the facts will be critically analyzed and evaluated. Additionally, subheadings will be used to categorize the important aspects of the topic. Blacks: In America, Blacks are those people of any known African Black ancestry, according to the â€Å"one-drop†rule that determined even a single drop of â€Å"Black blood†would make a person Black (Davis, n.d., p.5). Concerning who Blacks are, Graham (2002) commented that â€Å"Blacks were persons having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa†(p. 145). â€Å"A group numerically inferior to the rest of the population of a State, in a non-dominant position, whose members being nationals of the State possess ethnic, religious or linguistic characteristics differing from those of the rest of the population and show, if only implicitly, a sense of solidarity, directed towards preserving their culture, traditions, religion or language†. (Caportorti, 1991, as cited by Malanczuk & Akehurst, 1997, p. 106) Domestic violence: this term is many a times referred to as â€Å"intimate partner violence/spouse abuse†(Castle, Kulkami & Abel, 2006: 93). One definition of domestic violence can be a trend of forceful authority which makes up physical, sexual and/or psychological assault toward an intimate partner, either current or former. There is no actual UK
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Arthur Schopenhauer Essay Example for Free
Arthur Schopenhauer Essay Arthur Schopenhauer is a German philosopher who was born on February 22nd, 1788 and died on September 21st, 1860. He was born in the city of Danzig but later moved to the city of Hamburg where he became interested in studying metaphysics, ethics and psychology. Schopenhauer is known as the philosopher of Pessimism because he created a theory that challenged the value of existence. Schopenhauer’s main focus was on individual motivation ‘the will’ and how human desires cause pain and suffering. He wrote a book on the will called The World as Will and Representation. This book was a collaboration of Kant’s idea of idealism with his own theory on that the will is the thing-in-itself. Schopenhauer was greatly influenced by thinkers like Kant and Plato. He as well influenced thinkers like Sigmund Freud, Ludwig Wittgenstein and Friedrich Nietzsche. Summary of Ideas: The ‘Will†: Schopenhauer believed that humans were only motivated by their basic desires. He believed that human desires only cause suffering and pain. As well he believed that human desires are illogical and directionless. He believed that the will controls all aspects of human life. Schopenhauer’s ideas on the will are similar to the ideas of Buddhism and the four noble truths. He believed that free will exists but humans are not able to achieve it because everything is determined by how the body reacts to a situation. He stated that Man can indeed do what he wants, but he cannot will what he wants. †(On the Freedom of the Will) Ethics: The basics of Schopenhauer ethics is about compassion. He believes compassion can’t be taught but only learned by experience. Compassion is the knowledge of seeing someone suffer equally to a suffering they have faced in their life and being able to relate and have sympathy for them. Schopenhauer distinguishes a good person not from the nature of their actions but the level of compassion they have for them. He believes that the difference between a good person and a normal person is distinguished by when seeing someone suffer the good person will sacrifice his own well-being for the other person. Therefore he takes on all their troubles. Schopenhauer believes this is the highest degree in ethical conduct. Pessimism: Schopenhauer believes since the will has no purpose or goal that the will can never achieve satisfaction. He believes the main goal of existence is to gain satisfaction but trying to achieve it is unsustainable because it leads to frustration. For that reason he says existence of human beings can only be characterized by suffering. He believes this theory is for all animals and since humans have a higher intellectual capacity that they will suffer more in life than any other animal. He as well stated that even using reasoning will not change the amount of suffering the person experiences because reason only increases the suffering. Schopenhauer concludes that nonexistence is and should be more preferable then existence. He believes people should realize that to exist is to suffer and the goal in life for people should be to try and resist one’s desires. Application: Animal Welfare: Schopenhauer believed humans and animals are essentially equal and the same. He believed that everything is basically will and that humans and animals are the same because they can recognize characteristics and emotion in each other. Schopenhauer stated â€Å"Unlike the intellect, it [the Will] does not depend on the perfection of the organism, but is essentially the same in all animals as that which is known to us so intimately. Accordingly, the animal has all the emotions of humans, such as joy, grief, fear, anger, love, hatred, strong desire, envy, and so on. The great difference between human and animal rests solely on the intellects degrees of perfection. (On the Will in Nature, Physiology and Pathology) He believed that a good person will have compassion for animals when they are hurt because they are fellow sufferers. People who are cruel to animals are not good people because they do not have compassion.
Friday, November 15, 2019
George Clymer :: essays research papers
George Clymer was born in Philedelphia in 1739. His father was from a respectable family of bristol, in England and after his emigration to america became married to a lady from Philedelphia. Clymer was left by his parents in an orphanage at the young age of seven. He was then taken care of by his maternal uncle William Coleman, a gentelman who was respected by everyone in Phildelphia The education of Clymer was directed by his uncle. He was the perfect man for the job. Coleman had a great mind and early instilled in his nephew the love of reading. After the completion of his education Clymer entered the counting room of his uncle. His genius however, was little adapted to mercantille employments, being more inclined toliteary and and scientific pursuits. At the age of twenty seven,he was married ,as has already been noticed, to a daughter of meredith, a gentlemen of a good mind as his things will show. Mr washington had been noticing clymer for a while. He was very interested in clymer and thought he could do a good job. Little did he know was that Clymer would be a perfect fit in any situation. Mr Clymer has said to be a republican by nature. He was also a firm and devoted patriot. His feelings were strongly enlisted in him againstthe acts of the british government. He early accepted a captains commission in a company of voulnteers,raised for the defense of the province, and manfully opposed. A committee appointed, of which Clymer was chairman, to wait upon the cosignees, to request the not to sell. In 1775, Clymer was chosen as a member of the council of safety,and one of the first treasurers. The next year he was elected a member of the continental congress. In september, Clymer was appointed to visit Ticonderoga, in conjuction with Mr. Stocton, to inspect the affairs of the northern army. Clymer was not all that crazy about this idea. However he went a long with it and did a very good job. In 1777, clymer was again a member of congress. His duites during this session were ardous, and owing to his unremetting exertions, he was obliged to retire for a season for the recovery of his health. In the year 1796 clymer was appointed, together with Colonial Hawkins and Pickens, to negotiate a treaty with the cherokee and creek indians, in Georgia. With this in mind he sailed from Philly to Savannah, accompanied by his
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Discrimination or Disparity in Policing
Discrimination refers to a difference in the kind of treatment given to individuals based on the race, ethnic background, social class, gender and so forth. Disparity on the other hand refers to a difference in outcomes of a situation which is not necessarily as a result of differential treatment or any kind of biased treatment. According to Wrobleski (2005), discrimination can be defined as a differential unequal treatment exhibited by a person when dealing with an individual from a certain race, sex, religion or ethnic origin.In policing, all citizens in a country are entitled to equal amount of protection under the state laws as a sign of democracy. Discrimination in policing occurs when police officers in a given state fail to practice fair treatment when dealing with their workmates and members of the public due to race, gender, ethnic origin, skin color or religion biases and it is a bit different from disparity. For instance, many traffic policemen are known to easily forgive women drivers who violate traffic rules but the same policemen become very strict when dealing with male drivers.On the other hand, women are known to be more careful drivers than their male counterparts and thus, not many women drivers violate traffic rules. The fact that there are many male traffic rules violators than women might lead to some difference in the number of traffic tickets given to women as opposed to those given to men. This kind of difference will be referred to as disparity and not discrimination. The police force has in the recent past being highly associated with cases of discrimination and favoritism.This paper seeks top identify the types of discrimination and disparity in policing mainly based on gender, race and class. Racial discrimination and disparity. The issue of racial and ethnic discrimination and disparity in policing has been widely researched and most studies indicate that there is a common pattern of systematic discrimination and disparity related to factors such as involvement in criminal activities, drug abuse and so forth. Systematic discrimination in policing can be defined as the type of differential treatment which is always present in a state's justice system regardless of the time or place.Most of racial discrimination in the justice systems exists in form of racial profiling (Wrobleski, 2005). Racial profiling refers to a situation whereby members of a certain race or ethnic origin are subjected to extensive surveillance, police force and criminal justice than others. For instance, law enforcement officers in the U. S have been accused of using the authority given to them in a discretionary way when dealing with minority motorists. The word minority here refers to the blacks, Hispanics or native Americans (Walker, Cassia & Miriam, 2000).This is a case of racial profiling and such cases have brought so much controversy in the American policing with many people claiming that the high rates of minority involvement in t raffic stops as opposed to the number of whites involved reflects how biased the traffic police officers are in terms of race. A study carried out by the U. S Rand Corporation in 2006 showed that the minority populations are more likely to be stopped by traffic officers, searched and accused of drug trafficking unlike their white counterparts.The study also discovered some pattern of racial disparities with many drug traffickers located in some parts of the state inhabited by the blacks and the Hispanics unlike those areas inhabited by the whites (Lanier & Stuart, 2008). However, the law enforcers are quick to defend themselves on this accusations claiming that they operate under pressure to track and bring to book those involved in drug use and trafficking activities. The term racial profiling has been replaced with racial biased policing to show how policing in U.S is biased towards the minority population. Apart from traffic police officers, the law enforcing unit in U. S has bee n generally accused of possessing a high tendency of using excessive force when dealing with the minority groups than when dealing with the whites. According to Fukurai (2002), racial discrimination and disparity in the U. S has also been identified in the federal justice systems. Racial disparities in the criminal justice systems has been attributed to the high number of minority populations involved in criminal activities.Racial discrimination is responsible for the disparity seen in police arrests, jury selection and prosecution procedures in the current criminal justice systems in the U. S. Gender discrimination and disparity. Discrimination in policing on the bases of gender is very common in U. S just like in most parts of the world. The major issue of gender discrimination and disparity in the U. S policing is associated with lack of gender integration whereby for a long time now, women have been highly ignored and denied the chance to work as police officers.However, a call for gender equality and affirmative action has increasingly advocated for women in the police force and through continued struggle and determination, more and more women are now working in the police force. The major challenge now is that, women police officers are discriminated against and have not been fully accepted by their male counterparts. Such women are subjected to cold reception, hostility and sexual harassment by their male workmates, supervisors and the police department as a whole (Wilbanks, 2007).Other challenges which affect women in policing include too many family responsibilities, conflict in societal roles, sexual harassment, doubts by the public concerning their ability to compete with their male counterparts, doubts about their self worth, inadequate facilities in the police force such as uniforms, locker rooms and so forth. This type of discrimination is worse when the woman in question belongs to the minority population. Researches have indicated that women fr om the minority populations are exposed to higher discrimination than the white women (Fukurai, 2002).However, it has been found that regardless of the race, all women in policing face a substantial amount of discrimination. Gender disparity in U. S is evident from the statistics depicted by a report by the State Security Department in 2007 which showed that women constitute only four percent of the police force as compared to their male counterparts (Miller, 2007). This can be attributed to discrimination in enrolling women to the police force and the conditions they are subjected to at the work place.Apart from discrimination of women police officers at the work place, another form of gender discrimination in policing is evident whereby, male police officers have been found to act with some level of leniency when dealing with women offenders unlike when dealing with male offenders. This is mostly common especially when the woman in question is young and attractive. Moreover, cases of police officers and law enforcers who ask for sexual favors from women so as to overlook their cases or rule in their favor are also quite common. Class discrimination and disparity.In the U. S, wealth distribution varies widely within the three major social classes. This includes upper class, middle class and low class societies. Most people in U. S fall under the middle class category. Discrimination in policing is brought about by the fact that law enforcers are more biased against low class populations as opposed to those in the middle and upper-class societies (Wrobleski, 2005). When it comes to justice and fairness, the poor people are often denied their rights by the rich and when they go to court, the accuser becomes the accused.This is because the rich have money to bribe in order to have justice passed in their favor. Disparity in terms of social class is common in policing due ti the fact that most poor people have a higher likelihood of engaging in crime and criminal activities when seeking means of survival. This is the main reason why crime is found to be more prevalent among low class societies as opposed to the upper and middle class societies. Conclusion. It is clear that discrimination or disparity is very common in U. S policing based on race, class and gender.Most of the reports and researches reviewed indicate that racial based discrimination is the most common type of discrimination in policing with most police officers practicing what is known as racial profiling. This affects the minority populations of all background regardless of their gender or class. Contemporary researches have also shown that the three types of discrimination interact closely with each other. For instance, most of the minority populations in U. S live in perpetual poverty due to lack of employment and unequal income distribution.This exposes them to higher discrimination due to their race as well as the social class. In addition, it has been found that most bl ack women who work in the police force are subjected to more gender discrimination than the white women. To some extent, discrimination in the police force leads to disparity especially in the case of gender discrimination among women in policing. It can thus be concluded that, discrimination has greatly affected the administration of justice in the criminal justice system and this calls for affirmative action to administer reforms in the system and ensure equal and fair justice for all. Reference. Fukurai, H. (2002). Where Did Hispanic Jurors Go? Racial and Ethnic Disenfranchisement in the        Grand Jury and the Search for Justice. Western Criminology Review 2(2). [Online].       Retrieved on Sept 20, 2008 from, . Miller, T. (2007). Gender Discrimination in U. S Policing. New York: Free Press. Lanier, M. and Stuart, H. (2008). Defining Crime. Essential Criminology. Boulder, CO:           Westview Press. Walker, S., Cassia. S. & Miriam, D. (2000). The Color of Justice. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth     Publishing Company. Wilbanks, W. (2007). The Myth of the Racist Criminal Justice System. Monterey, CA: Brooks/Cole Publishing Company. Wrobleski, M. & Karen, M. (2005). Introduction to Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Activity Intended for Enhancing a Skill Essay
This paper examines the effectiveness of the activity that is carried out in order to enhance a particular skill. The activity of turning letters into words is selected and carried out as a game between the members of an identified group with the main objective being attainment of improved group performance and development. The paper examines the degree of response achieved in the skill with the help of the intended activity. The game of Turning Letters into Words is an activity that is chosen to improve the development and performance of a group and is a great tool to develop knowledge abilities and skills through participation. Dividing the whole group into smaller teams helps in building a structured approach towards shared group objective. This activity creates a stimulating learning environment for each member and hones their behavioral skills to maximize the team’s performance and development. All the members participate fully in terms giving individual contribution as well as working together with others. Being an integral part of the team and having the responsibility of making the maximum words possible with the provided letters, gives a boost to the team spirit. Each member is then supposed to question oneself about whether the letters contributed by him/her helped or restricted the team members in making the most of the needed long words. This brings out the feeling of cohesiveness and suppresses the individualistic approach, which helps in rapid increase in performance levels. The collective act of choosing the letters and making maximum words not just brings the members together, but also promotes the feeling of trust, cooperation and the winning streak. The feeling of competing at the group level helps he members to cope with the distinct behaviors and perspectives, without getting into the blame game. Each member strives to achieve the maximum number of words by unknowingly working towards the strengths and weaknesses of their own teams and articulating the team’s vision. The activity of forming words as a team helps in establishing clear team guidelines, objectives and a well thought out team orientation process. The process of mapping the individual performance with the team’s overall performance while working at a high capacity in the present role augments the group development to accomplish the maximum performance. However, a close scrutiny of the team members’ reaction reveals that the age group is a significant factor in defining the individual’s response to such skill enhancing activities. The different set of values and attitude characterize the way the older generation is not so rapid with coming up with new words. The newer generation however responds more quickly to such skill grinding activities. Therefore, it can be concluded that strategically designed activities can surely be used to facilitate requisite skills such as yielding performance metrics, provided the management is well knowledgeable about the degree of responsiveness. References http://www. teambuildingportal. com/games/turning-letters-words. php
Friday, November 8, 2019
Square Dancing Essay Example
Square Dancing Essay Example Square Dancing Paper Square Dancing Paper Essay Topic: Rip Van Winkle What is Square Dancing? Square dancing was first developed by lonely farmers as a means of entertaining and wooing their livestock (or at least thats the rumor Im choosing to believe/spread). But honestly, how drunk on moonshine and bored with wife-beating did people used to be to develop this Jig of humiliation? More importantly, how†I reiterate HOW is it still around today? I mean wasnt Bugs Bunny mocking this like 60+ years ago? Barnfolk during a hootenanny. Personally, Im for Jettisoning into the sun everyone involved in any non-farming interaction that regularly takes place in a barn. Who the hell wants to dance around a riggin barn?! Barnfolk, thats who†and they permanently forgot to evolve. Lets talk about some things that would be present at any square dance Jig- off. First, its impossible to picture a group of people square dancing without there being that one guy with the obscenely long Rip Van Winkle beard. Of course, he wasnt magically asleep for 20 years when it grew, unless you count his life-long whiskey haze and vow against critical thinking. Second, the band always does that foot-stomp knee-slap head-bob thing, telepathically conveying the message were all a bunch of sinine hicks and we love it! The head-bob is the and we love it part. Third, well you may not see this, but square dancing is the only dance where its easy to picture a random farm animal suddenly standing up on two legs, Joining in, and it seems natural. Another bumpkin seduced by a Jigging goat. Bumpkins promenading across the room with goats and sheep; why not? They make- out with them regularly anyhow. I will admit Im fairly su rprised they called it square dancing at all considering the highest level of schooling in the room is probably a forged G. E. D. like they know what a square is) Bunch of geometrically confused hill-folk buck-toothed and guffawing as they spin around a cow trough. Damn I hate that square dancing still exists! One thing thats hard for me to picture is anyone hearing square dance music coming from a barn and not getting the imperative urge to run in the opposite direction. Speaking of the music, isnt there Just that one swing your partner song and thats it? Photo taken during a rendition of their song Proud to be Illiterate. I guess its nard to play a variety ot tunes when your band consists ot people playing he washboard, broomstick-bass, and blowing into that Jug with the >OCC on it. Stay tuned for my upcoming entry on Jug bands Speaking of the musicians, apparently square dancing was so lacking in class that renamed the violin the fiddle. I can picture that conversation: Hey hairy, drooling Jug band member, is that a violin youre playing? A vi-o-what? Welp, I dont rightly know, mister. An accurate de scription of square dancing. I Just fiddle with it, so I guess thats what it is. a fiddle drool, drool, drool, slurping p drool, more drool* Im sure he also fiddles with other things like the engine of his primer-colored pick-up truck and his malformed wiener whenever his cousin is watching. I dont mean to over generalize, but in reiterating my idea to launch all square dancers into the sun, I propose it would do the world more good than harm. This is exactly what square dancing looks like to me. Im willing to bet that other long-standing traditions like racism, sexism, fear of progress, and hatred for the scientific community would prove directly correlated as they dropped exponentially. Sad Fact 1: Theres an international association of square dance callers named Callerlab. Seriously. An international organization. Sad Fact 2 : Did you know that square dancing has been designated the official state dance in 19 states? State dance?! Why the HELL are there even†Oh I give up! (*gun fires and body hits the floor*) End. Supplemental material: Link to Bugs Bunny in Hillbilly Hare. Excerpt of lyrics from Pickle Up a Doodle, a square dance call. When that devil comes a-courtin, Ah-haw! Hell catch all eight, with a right hand half, Back by the left, go once and a half. Turn the corner by the right, make a wrong-way thar, And ya pickle up a doodle in the middle of the star. Shoot that star, left allemande, gonna pass your partner by, You box the gnat with the next one, and you swing er mighty high. Walk all around that corner, turn a left hand round your girl, Four ladies chain, chain the big, wide, wicked world. Roll promenade a shady lady. Gents roll back, but only one, Promenade, youre gonna have a little fun. It aint no sin to swing and sway, An you pickle up a doodle in the middle of the day.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
First Civilizations of the Early World Essays
First Civilizations of the Early World Essays First Civilizations of the Early World Essay First Civilizations of the Early World Essay This period of only 7,400 years held many great advances in technology, social interactions, government, and even economics. From the development of agriculture to the caste system of the Aryans, this era in time was one of great growth, development, and change In the earliest civilizations of our history. The beginning of all civilizations started with the migration of humans out of Africa. The hunters and gatherers Inhabited almost every region of the world less than 15,000 years ago. The groups traveled around as nomads for hundreds of years. During that time, they developed tools such as axes, knives, and needles. Fire was also utilized as a tool. Spoken language developed during this period in time as well. Though the nomadic groups lived for thousands of years off of simply hunting and gathering, the Neolithic Revolution and the discovery of agriculture changed how they lived forever. The breakthrough process of farming led to the settlement of these nomadic groups and the formation of colonization. Job specialization, definition of social classes, gender roles and the trading of goods? especially metals such as copper and bronze?were all advancements made in violations as a result of the development of agriculture. Some geographic areas were not sustainable for farming, thus pastoral nomadic developed. Cities with marketplaces and organized governments followed shortly after the development of the civilizations. Such cities were usually located on riverbanks due to the availability of fertile soil. : Mesopotamia, an early farming community, was located on the Fertile Crescent of Asia. Irrigation along the Fertile Crescent allowed for mass food production, and therefore, sustainability of a larger population than previous violations could hold. The population was so large, in fact, that it began to develop city-states. A city-state is a free governed city that shares the agriculture of the adjoining land. The city-states all had similar cultures, yet each one had a different god or goddess that guarded them. Along with the large population of Mesopotamia came a complex social order of the citizens. At the top of the social class were kings and queens; at the bottom, slaves. Egypt was another civilization which much like Mesopotamia, was able to thrive due to the fertile soil of a river bank. The Nile River revived Egypt with the soils it needed to develop irrigation systems and build villages. Pharaohs were in charge of the Egyptian villages, and were at the top of the social class. Elaborate pyramids were built as tombs for the pharaohs, due to the religious beliefs of an afterlife. The pyramids were home to many high level paintings and sculptures of the gods and nature at that time, as well as hieroglyphics. Unlike the history of Egypt or Mesopotamia, the history of the Indus River Valley Is very unclear, due to the mystery of their written language, made up of over 400 symbols. Urbanize cities with grinded walls, temples, marketplaces, broad streets, and even separated areas of social classes have been found. The Aryan peoples Inhabited Indus around 1 700 BCC, but left little trace of their existence In the valley. What Is known about the Aryans Is from Veda, or a collection of sacred hymns, songs, and poems. Social status was based on your Verna, which was a part of the Aryan caste system. Indus had trading connections with Mesopotamia and Persia, which held 1500 BCC. The Yellow River or Hung He was the first river valley civilization to develop in China. The valley was ruled by the Sang Dynasty from 1766 to 1122 BCC. An important achievement from the dynasty was the development of Chinese pictograph characters. Oracle bones are used to prove the existence of the Sang Dynasty, containing predictions about the future written in the bones. The ruling of the Chou Dynasty followed the end of the Sang Dynasty. The Chou lasted longer than the Sang, and also had a greater impact on Chinese culture. The Mandate of Heaven and the veneration of ancestors were two large themes that were practiced during the ruling of the Chou Dynasty. The Mandate of Heaven was a concept that told the people there was a direct connection between rulers and gods. Floods, earthquakes, and other disastrous happenings were thought of as signs from the gods that the end of a dynasty was near. Though the Chou Dynasty was very structured, it eventually lost its power around 771 BCC. In the river banks of the Gulf of Mexico, the Elms settled in around 1500 BCC. Their most important settlements were San Lorenz and La Event. San Lorenz was the center for all things religious, political, or economical. Social class of the citizens in the settlements could usually e determined based off of the elaborateness of their clothing. The more elaborate, the higher they stood on the social ladder. During their time in the Gulf, the Elms built Colossal Heads, but how they achieved this is unknown. How the fall of the Elms occurred is unknown due to the abandonment of their ceremonial centers. Around the same time as the Elms were settling in the Gulf, a religious cult called the Chapin was gaining influence in South America. Both the civilizations of the Elms and the Shaving had influences on the empires and civilizations that came later on in the Americas.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Svedka Vodka Strategy Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Svedka Vodka Strategy - Article Example However there was a gap in between the high end and the low end, i.e. there was no mid sized segment in the market as of now. In this scenario there was a chance of launching a new product into the vacuum mid sized segment with suitable marketing strategies and outlook. â€Å"Svedka†the to be launched mid segment vodka had many obstacles to encounter for entering into the already established vodka market. Since it was new, new techniques both in the production and marketing levels have to be adopted. The product should be of high drinking quality and should be distinguished for its soft silky drinkability. 1. Branded vodka has its mark in US market. International brands like Smirnoff, Absolut etc have created brand awareness in the market. The prices offered by both these leading brands were in between $20 and $25. Svedka was planned to introduce in the mid sized segment because there were no real competitors in the offing. Moreover cost reduction techniques like outsourcing of production which was a major strength of Svedka enabled the product to be sold on a lower price. The under $10 market of vodka was nearly 80% of the total market share of the spirit therefore the chances of success of Svedka is bright provided it be introduced in a planned way. A competitive pricing strategy should be adopted for this purpose, may be market oriented pricing or penetrating pricing(Kotler,Keller,Brady,Goodman&Hansen). The real competitor for Svedka would be from Smirnoff which was selling vodka a price of $10 per bottle, Smirnoff enjoyed a huge 19.7% share in the market. However by the entrance of Absolut, Smirnoff was under pressure. Therefore if Svedka was introduced properly in the mid tier segment, it could really tap the potential and give a real time competition to Smirnoff. The other brands which are under $10 per bottle are Gordon and Popov, which have only a very little market share. Another important aspect in this scenario is that Svedka due to its cost effective strategy is able to offer of 25% to wholesaler and 30% to 35% to retailers. This is considerably high according to normal industrial standards hence it could provide a boost to wholesalers and retailers to sell Svedka. 2. Marketing strategy is a process by which an organization concentrates on its limited resources and cashes on its greatest opportunities in order to increase sales and achieve a sustainable and competitive advantage. The marketing strategy should be centered on customer satisfaction (Kotler,Keller,Brady,Goodman&Hansen). Customers are more aware of prices of the products they buy along with the quality. Of course, Svedka has quality because it is manufactured raw. Therefore the price segment should be given much importance. The market share of low priced vodka is around 80% therefore Svedka if priced less, I.e, below $10 could command greater respect from its customers. Another important aspect that has to be considered is the reach of the product to the cu stomers. For this purpose a brand image has to be created just like Smirnoff used to do. Svedka should appeal to new vodka drinkers along with up graders. It should be a choice for both price driven groups. Target customers who are not brand loyal but young should be tapped and developed. Advertising should be cost effective and appealing like eye shelf
Friday, November 1, 2019
Questions for Senior Bible Seminar Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Questions for Senior Bible Seminar - Essay Example In contrast, costly grace implies something that Christians will often struggle to obtain. It refers to the gospel that one has to seek severally, a gift which should be sought and a door that man must knock to enter. Costly grace demands that man follows the teaching of the Jesus Christ. The grace depicts God’s sanctuary that Christians have to adhere to. The name cheap is used to imply grace that is not true to the living expectations of a Christian while costly is used to imply true grace that is practiced by Christians. Cheap grace is seen among Christians that pretend and preach water while drinking wine. Costly grace is seen among Christians that act according to their word. Question 2 Bonhoeffer was indicating that faith is something that Christians cannot ignore. There are different ways of expressing Christian faith. However, it is only the Christians who are true followers of Christ and uphold the concept of discipleship that have the ability of depicting true faith. Faith makes Christians to be obedient to the teachings of the Christ. Therefore, people who are not obedient to Christ teachings cannot have the ability of trusting on the word of God. ... In this, the phrase illustrated how Jesus regarded himself as a close to God. Son of Man is also used to depict the divinity of Jesus. This includes an illustration of the human nature of Jesus. Jesus was born through the Virgin Mary and this phrase was used to indicate this humane nature of Jesus. Son of Man phrase is also used to refer to ordinary man in the Bible. The phrase also refers to the savior of people. This is through the sacrificial death of Jesus where Son of Man depicts Jesus role as a ruler of human beings in God’s Kingdom. Finally, Son of Man shows Lord’s Sabbath. Question 4 According to Ferguson, obedience to God’s call is a key trait of Christian faith. This is because one cannot be able to attest of having faith when he or she cannot obey on what the teachings of the law indicate with reference to having faith in Christ. Discipleship is another characteristic of faith. People have to uphold discipleship teachings as a means of indicating their faith. Believing is a characteristic that Christians who have faith have to show in modern society. Failure to do so leads to questioning of the strength of faith for such Christians. Finally, Christian faith means one has to follow the teachings of Jesus. Question 5 This is because one cannot be saved without having faith in Jesus Christ. Faith enables people to forgive sins and their sins are forgiven, which makes them to be saved. Commentators interpret this differently because faith is not supposed to focus on saving of people, but on their obedience, believe and discipleship to Christ teachings. Question 6 A God does not deny people the ability of speaking in tongues. This is based on the spiritual manifestation of
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