Thursday, December 26, 2019
Gender Discrimination The Glass Ceiling Affect Gender...
INTRODUCTION: Women workers in the prime working ages of 26 to 59 make only 38 percent of what prime-age men earn,(Marley S. Weiss, 2007, page 64). Discrimination against gender is very common in the workplace. The purpose of this explanatory research is to discuss the discrimination women face in society and the workforce as well as the challenges faced by marital status. The sociological theories on the macro level that will be used to analyze this subject include; the conflict perspective theory, the feminist theory and the functionalist perspective. On this topic of discrimination, the research done will discuss the concepts of double jeopardy, affirmative action, the glass ceiling affect, gender groups, stereotyping, and†¦show more content†¦Because of this many women today still have responsibilities at home which restrict them from pursuing careers that men are stereotyped to have. Inequality in the workplace reflects and reinforces inequality at home. Although husban ds have increased their share of household tasks, recent surveys find that wives still assume at least two thirds of domestic obligations. When paid and unpaid labor are combined, women work longer and have less income than men, (Deborah Rhode,1997, page 142). Women are faced with the stereotype that they are meant to be feminine, gentle, kind patient and affectionate while men are stereotyped to be strong, courageous, and the bread winners of families. This would correspond to the feminist theory, because of this stereotype men believe that they should be the one’s providing for their families while women do all the house work such as cleaning, cooking and also taking care of and raising their children. When work comes into play this typically does not change the roles that women are expected to fulfill at home. Stereotyping is an exaggerated statement about a large group of people and therefore it can be concluded that most stereotypes are false. Men and women should be abl e to do tasks which are viewed as both feminine and/or masculine. Women should have the opportunity to pursue career goals that are labeled as masculine and they should be benefiting from these jobs on an equal level to men. Unfortunately in society there are gender
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Is It Pink By Robert N. Minor - 1220 Words
In this analysis, I will be examining chapter three, â€Å"Is it Pink? Is it Blue?†of Robert N. Minor’s book, Scared Straight: Why It s So Hard to Accept Gay People and Why It s So Hard to Be Human. Minor is a Professor of Religious Studies at University of Kansas, and often focuses his writing toward gay rights and gender roles in society. This particular book is a cultural critique of the United States’ gender roles and homophobia. Minor’s arguments leave a weak impression and leave readers with a sense of confusion. Minor ineffectively uses rhetoric in his arguments to establish purpose, inform his audience, use effective language, or to persuade his audience to take action. Minor’s argument is essentially that our society’s gender roles†¦show more content†¦These factors lead the audience to question his credibility. In Minor’s writing, he is often hypocritical. For example, while he claims to be a strong advocate for equality between the sexes, he speaks almost entirely about men’s gender roles, only touching on female gender roles. He never even mentions different gender identities besides male and female. He also always begins speaking about men before women, which several might argue is an example of the injustices he is trying to argue against. Often he will take up two or three pages speaking about the male point of view on a topic, but only a few paragraphs relating to the female side. Also, the female side is usually used to contrast the male side, rather than being written about as its own entity. The fact that he speaks only about â€Å"men†and â€Å"women†show that he himself may be ignorant towards other identities. Additionally, while Minor constantly pushes for more tolerance for different sexual orientations, his definition of other sexual orientations seems to be limited to gay men, completely ignoring an entire spectrum of sexual orientations and gender identities. In a sense, Minor is perpetuating the same gender roles he is arguing so strongly against. Minor also uses incredibly vague sources in his writing. One example of this is seen when he incorporates a strange poem into his â€Å"evidence†(71). It isn’t recognizable or even by a recognizable author. The
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Job Krogstad Essay Example For Students
Job Krogstad Essay Torvald: I cant remember the last time I loved Nora. All I can remember is how beautiful she looked when I first saw her, and how she reminded meof a doll, so innocent, so sweet, just waiting to be played with, to be taught about the world, I could dress her up, and she would be mine, people would look at her and think, my Torvald is a lucky manand I was. if I ever loved her then I cant remember when I changed and if I didnt then she didnt deserve me. But, a part of me wishes, wishes that I did, that I should have, that of all the mistakes I could make in my life, and all the mistakes I have made, that the mistake of not loving her, not showing it, and making her runaway like thatthat is a mistake that god himself could not forgive. Krogstad: I am not going to say you are wrong, Torvald, I am only going to offer you hopethat- Torvald: Come back to your job Krogstad, please, come back. Ill give you a good position, better than anything you would have wanted. Just come back. Krogstad: No Torvald, you cant correct your mistake like that. It has been decided. Ms Linde and I are leaving; our carriage will be waiting for us soon. Torvald: I dont understand! Why wont you accept your job back? Krogstad: Because, Torvald, I dont want to work with a man like you. You are inconsiderate, you are full of yourself, you always think of the quick way to solve a problem. You are the epitome of everything in the world that has gone against me. (Krogstad walks to the door and stands in the door frame) Torvald: Dont go, please Krogstad, dont go. Stay here, work for me, I will change, I have to, dont you see, how can I go on like this, after everyone finds out about Nora I will be ruined, my reputation, my new job will be taken back, I might even be fired because of this, they need a family man, a man, who has the perfect life. I do not, or ever had the perfect life, I just lost the perfect lie though, and that, is almost the same thing. Almost. Krogstad: Almost. Torvald, you need some sleep- Torvald: No! (Gets up) Dont you see, Ive been asleep my whole life! Ive never been more awake, Ive been following orders before, but Nora leaving, makes me see, the most wonderful thing of all- Krogstad: Torvald. Goodbye. I wish the best of luck to you, and I wish the best of luck to Nora. Goodbye, get some sleep, and I suggest you stop thinking about Nora. She is gone. People will find out, and you will suffer the concequences. And I do not want to be here to see it. I had too much respect for you. Goodbye. (Walks out of the door, closing it behind him leaving Torvald, who slumps back down again and the fire behind him dies out and leaves him in darkness.) Torvald: Goodbye.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Juno and the Paycock Essay Example
Juno and the Paycock Paper In 1920s Dublin, men were considered more superior than women. The men had to support their families as they were the main source of financial income. In working class families, women also had to work. If they didnt, they wouldnt be able to pay the rent, or possibly not be able to feed their family. Women also had to look after the family and children, and had to do all of the housework. Men seemed to have control over women, who couldnt do anything to stop them. In Juno and the Paycock, Sean OCasey paints a different picture. Although the men believe they are in control, it is really the women who are in the drivers seat. OCasey believes that the women in his play are stronger, more enduring and unselfish than the male characters. OCasey himself believed that women were secretly in charge. He had a very strong relationship with his mother, as his father died when he was only six years old. He was also the youngest surviving child out of his other thirteen siblings. As he was brought up by his widowed mother, he sees that women are dominant and men are weaker. In Juno, we find that the Boyle family have come into a great deal of wealth. Almost immediately, Captain Jack Boyle spends most of it, hence, giving him the title of the Paycock. We will write a custom essay sample on Juno and the Paycock specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Juno and the Paycock specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Juno and the Paycock specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Johnny Boyle, his son, has a secret, which gradually unfolds as the story progresses. It turns out that he has been a government informer; you didnt think o that when you gave him away to the gang that sent him to his grave. This ultimately leads to Johnnys execution; where were you when me darlin son was riddled with bullets. Juno Boyle, Boyles wife, in the centre of everything, is feeling the burdens of life on her shoulders as she tries to keep her family together. Mary Boyle, Jack and Junos daughter, has found a new boyfriend. He is Charlie Bentham, and is very rich. We are later told that he has left Mary as she is now pregnant. We then learn that there was never any money for the Boyles; Theres no money comin to us at all the Wills a washout! Fed up, Juno, with a drunkard husband and a dead son, finally leaves Boyle, with Mary at her side. This is where Juno says to Mary about her baby; Itll have whats far betther itll have two mothers. This is good for the child as Juno is responsible and will be able to use her own experience to her advantage. I expect that Boyle will be left on his own, possibly with his best friend, Joxer Daily, at his side. Boyle has done nothing to help or support his family in any situation. Boyle is the head of the house, but it is Juno who seems to do all the work since Boyle would rather spend his time sipping lager and telling tales. Juno is very responsible and very reliable, while Boyle is completely undependable and irresponsible. Juno will protect her family with her life, but Boyle is plain lazy; If it werent for the terrible pains in me legs is always his excuse for not finding a job to help support his family financially. Johnny and Mary are the children of Boyle and Juno. Johnny, who was injured fighting for Ireland, and Mary, who is on strike for the principle of it, are both still trying to grow up. Mary, the elder of the two siblings, is stubborn, saying that she will stick to her principles, and Johnny is trying to hide from his comrades. Johnny has recently become very sensitive and quiet. He is worried about the death of Robbie Tancred, an old childhood friend. Mary however, is still as outgoing as ever. She enjoys a social life, and does not seem at all phased about being on strike, and having an awkward family. Mary and Johnny are both similar in the way that they both stand up for what they believe in. Mary is on strike, and Johnny stands up for his beliefs for Ireland. He lost an arm, and received a permanent limp from fighting during the Easter Rising. Johnny feels disgusted that Mary is pregnant and yet he hasnt told anyone what he has done. She should be dhriven out o th house shes brought disgrace on! He is being hypocritical. Mrs. Madigan, Mrs. Tancred and Joxer are all friendly with the Boyle family. Joxer is Boyles butty and drinking companion. Mrs. Madigan and Mrs. Tancred are the Boyles neighbours. Mrs. Madigan and Joxer are both very friendly and wish to help out. Yet, Joxer is a lazy lay-about. Mrs. Tancred is in grief when we meet her, but speaks passionately about wanting no more deaths and killings. When Mrs. Madigan hears of the Boyles inheritance, she has nothing but good words for them. Though when she finds out that there is no money, she angrily confronts Boyle for money she lent him, and then takes his gramophone as payment. She seems very two faced; nice and friendly one minute, then the next she is biting off Boyles head. Jerry Devine was Marys old boyfriend. He is still in love with her, but she has found a new boyfriend. He is called Charlie Bentham, a rich school teacher, now turning to work in law. Jerry doesnt realize that Mary doesnt want to be with him. He says to her; Let me kiss your hand when she refuses to go back with him. He is completely obsessed with Mary. Charlie is in love with Mary too and helps the Boyles with the will. However when Mary becomes pregnant, Charlie runs away to England, afraid of commitment and the results of his actions. When Jerry comes to Mary again, he wants her to return with him, as he knows that Bentham has left. He doesnt know that Mary is pregnant, and when he finds out, he leaves in shock. On the surface, Jerry and Charlie both seem to love and care about Mary, but when the worst comes to the worst, they quickly leave her to fend for herself. The women in Juno and the Paycock have many positive characteristics. They have strength, determination and are all friendly and caring. They all have strength to get through hard times (eg. Juno supporting her family; Mrs. Tancred during her bereavement). Juno is determined to make Boyle find a job and no matter what the situation, they are always loving (eg. Mrs. Madigan always wanting to help out). Women are completely different from the men. The men are lazy (eg. Boyle not finding any jobs; Boyle and Joxer in the snug all of the time), money wasters (eg. Boyle spending the money on a gramophone), and contradictive (eg. Boyle says he doesnt like the church or Father Farrell, then saying that the country would be nothing without them). Womens qualities outweigh their faults. They are stronger and better than what their faults says about them. Their negative qualities say they are vain and stubborn, but this is nothing in comparison to their positive qualities of being strong, resilient, loving, caring and determined. During this period in history, women were made to feel that they were inferior to men. But, OCaseys play defies this. Juno stands her ground against the men, and when she has had enough of them, she leaves Boyle. Juno and Mary decide to make their own way in the world, and forget about Boyle. Itll have whats far betther itll have two mothers. I feel that the baby will be better off with two mothers, especially if they are Juno and Mary. They are both wise enough not to fall into traps set by men, and know how not to raise the child. Juno was a good mother to Johnny and Mary, and so will be a great help to Mary and her child. They would raise the baby to be everything that Boyle was not. Yes, the women are more superior to the men. They are smarter and wiser. Although the men feel that they are in power, the women are weaving their way through the woodwork.
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