Monday, August 5, 2019
Representation of Photos in the Media
Representation of Photos in the Media Introduction to Media and Media Studies, Writing and the Media, Reading the Media Question 1 For the representation in the media, we can relate to radio, television, cinema, internet such as social media, news and so on. Through them, we receive different information and entertainment, mostly for young people who grew up in modern world and society. Media representation is how media portray particular groups, ideas or topics in the world to another perspective how we see it. Let me take Twitter, for an example. Twitter is social media that have over 1 billion users monthly and 313 million monthly active users. (Twitter usage/Company facts, 2016.) Twitter is one of the social media where people post their opinions about recent events, what is currently happening in their lives, who did something that was not impropriate or who is in a relationship with whom. Some of the companies or/and celebrities are trying to interact with their followers and fans. Those fans can see their inspirations the way they look like, their behavior and not experiencing it in reality. In the interpretation, OShaughnessy and Stadler (2016:35) says that à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦media first gives us information and only after the explanationsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ On the way media are teaching people how to make a change in the world and how they see the world around them. Let me take travel blog as an example. For the last few years more and more people are traveling around the world taking photographs, learning about new cultures, new countries, mostly difference between people. Only after they write about it and that is how they teach other people. Personally, I think that is the best way to meet surroundings, to be filled with experience and knowledge. Figure 1: Lin, E. 2013. 7 TIPS TO TRAVEL SMART IN THE SUMMER Summer time is here! It is the perfect time for traveling and exploring the world. (The Lab, 2013) TAKE ANOTHER ONE When we talk about evolution media, they give us the information about some issues or just how to understand genders, religions, cultures or races. They want to teach us how to be normal, basically creating stereotypes and making people being judgmental, how we see the world and the way we are going to treat each other if they are not the same as we are (OShaughnessy Stadler, 2016). Perfect example is with the biggest YouTube star Felix Kjellberg or his channel name PewDiePie and biggest business journal, The Wall Street Journal. Felix is a web-based comedian and video producer whose job is to make people laugh. As PewDiePie/Felix says in the video à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦old school media doesnt like Internet personalities, because they are afraid of us. We have so much influence and such a large voice and they dont understand that (see My Response- PewDiePie, 2017). Even if he did an interview in 2013 with The Wall Street Journal they would only focus how much he earns as the tittle says YouTubes Biggest Draw Plays Games, Earns $4 million a Year (The Wall Street Journal, 2014.) Also the media would only acknowledge him for earning money by playing games as a hobby, spending money on cars and luxuries, but they do not show that he donates millions to charities. But because he was so successful in his career, he wanted to be funnier than usual. In one of his YouTube videos he went just a bit far with paying two men that were holding a sign saying Death to all Jews after he apologized to everyone saying that he did not expect their response (see My Response PewDiePie, 2017). In the videos he made before, he would wear a uniform, taking Adolf Hitler as a reference to make people laugh, but the words Adolf Hitler was saying had Nazi messages. As The Wall Street Journal (2017:1) says Disney Servers Ties With YouTube Star PewDiePie After Anti-Semitic Posts. After that incident happened Disney canceled his show saying people Jewish religion were offended. PewDiePie automatically responded and apologized to his fans and people all over the world saying he didnt want to offend anyone and that his job is to make people laugh. Other you-tubers are standing with PewDiePie, even his friend whose religion is Jewish. Felix friend Ethan Hakmon or his channel name h3h3Productions, states that Disney and WSJ didnt ask people Jewish religion did they actually got offended or not, because he isnt. (see Is PewDiePie Racist h3h3Productions, 2017). Representation, interpretation and evaluation in media are creating the world as a single community because they are giving their opinions on certain topics. The problem is they have a huge influence on the world and people. People are becoming stereotypes and do not have their own opinion. Question 2 One of the roles in the media is to inform. Media inform us about our surroundings, we can easily find out what is happening in our country or on the other side of the world. For an example Haiti Earthquake in 2010. Oliver Laurent (2015) states On Jan 12, 2010, a devastating earthquake with a magnitude of 7.0 struck Haiti, killing more than 160,000 and displacing close to 1.5 million people. Five years later, the scars of the tragedy remain in Port-au-Prince,à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ We chose Haiti as information media because it was terrible for people whose families were on the island on that devastating and sad day. A lot of lives were lost and they are still battling with a lot of different sicknesses and people who are still trying to find them members of families. The second role of in the media is to educate. Media educate us about possible diseases, technology, undiscovered places and different cultures. As an example Elon Musk, who created SolarCity. Musk believes that in 20-30 years majority of the planet will use solar energy system. (see The mind behind Tesla, SpaceX, SolarCity à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ½Elon Musk TED talks, 2013). SolarCity creates roofs who are invisible but cells are exposed to the sun. A roof with hidden solar tiles that powers your home with clean, renewable energy (SolarCity, 2017). Basically, Elon Musk is teaching us how to save the environment around us and use it in a good way, but also how to save our money and time. The third role of the media is to entertain. It contains of film, television, radio and internet. They are providing us with a lot of different content wanting to people to have fun, relax with their family and friends or just socialize. The Walt Disney Company, for example. They are cartoon creation company, film company and music record label. They are also producing clothes and toys (About The Walt Disney Company, 2017). We chose The Walt Disney Company as an entertainment as an example because of their offers and there is something for people in every age. Question 3 Figure 2: Hutchings, M. 2015. Protest on the Ramp: South African Designer Isabelle Lotter Joins #FeesMustFall Movement. (, 2015) According to the BuzzFeedNews (2015) #Fees Must Fall Movement is student protest that began mid-October in 2015 and still going in South Africa. Universities wanted to raise costs by 10.5 percent. First protest was on the campus of the University of Witwatersrand and it was spread to other universities in the country. Figure 3: CityogJoburgZA, 2016. South Africa: Flash floods kill six people in Johannesburg. (, 2016) (2016) reports the storm was bad and it was raining a lot on 9th of November 2016. International airport O.R. Tambo was flooded, not only the airport but streets also. Water was everywhere and ended with disaster. People were dying and a lot of the infrastructure was ruined.  Figure 4: 2016. Barack Obama tells Latin America: Dont assume the worst about Donald Trump (, 2016) On this picture we can see Barack Obama (right on the picture) who was United States President before Donald Trump (left on the picture) on November 10, 2016. where they discussed about foreign and domestic policy (US Weekly, 2016). The picture was taken after the election at the White House in Washington D.C. (US Weekly, 2016). Question 4 Our analysis of photograph that Sabelo Mlangeni was taking a series of photographs of people who African people are ignoring their existence. JRDIJKSTRA (2014) states in one of his articles that people are judged for things they do and for who they are. They are just trying to find themselves, it is not their fault that they were born in different bodies and different mind. But again, people are going to look at you and point fingers at you just because you do not look like they do. On the provided photographs we can see men who are wearing womans clothes and who represent their selves as women and women who are described as ghost. JRDIJKSTRA (2014) is asking himself Why then do we hate these boys when they have grown up to be men who dress as women? Why do we turn and call them names, pretending that weve never seen it? The first thing that strikes us is their fashion. Because the way persons hair is done, the way they are dressed and the way they are proud who they are. You cannot really see that often with other people, but again, it is their fashion and this is how they feel and are. Also images are black and white which is unusual for 21 century. Central issue or concern would be how men are dressed in reality and the way they are not afraid to show who and what they are. Also, women on the street are like ghost what actually shows us how we do not realize what is happening around us and who is doing their job. Medium of the photographs are 10241024 and they are all black and white. They give us feeling how was in the past but in present. With his images he reflects on his countrys past, while at the same time looking forward into the future and how life has changed. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¡History forms an important part of my work, he explains, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¡especially in my own country where its just two decades ago that Apartheid was abolished (JRDIJKSTRA, 2014). So many things changed through past in South Africa. We think he wants to show people that difference between race and LGBTI people is not that different. It affects everyone around us and there is no rights of free speech and them coming out as different is brave no matter what other people are saying. Mlangeni wants to show us they existed before, not just in newer era. Sabelo Mlangeni is not relevant in South Africa because LGBTI is not a big topic at the moment the way is in countries overseas. The problem is that our country focuses more on corruption and finance rather than LGBTI. Maybe that is the reason they get more judged here in South Africa or African continent than in Europe, US or Australia.    Question 5 In South African movies such as District 9 and Tsotsi we can see a lot of crimes and how people are treating each other. Firstly, let me discuss about District 9. Xenophobia is one of the main problems in this movie. Xenophobia is a fear or dislike against people from other countries. (, s.a.). Also in the movie they are referring to aliens as shrimps. I would say it is a racist thing to say. People from Johannesburg see aliens as people who steal all the time, they are uneducated or just doing illegal things. Tension of the crime is massive. The main character is Wikus van de Merwe, who is a very naive and he only thinks about himself, he also treats aliens like they are nothing. After he sprays a fluid in his face, he starts turning into one of them or into a shrimp. His father-in-law tries to convince his daughter to move on, because he does not like him that is why he even gave him a promotion in the company called MNU. Nigerian people were shown as War Lords because they were selling cat food to aliens as a scam, they would trade cat food for alien weapon. The problem was that the wea pon works only with alien identity, so the boss of Nigerians wanted to cut Wikus hand off. Muti is a term for a witch doctor that Nigerians believed in, they would kill aliens and eat their parts hoping they will get their powers to use their weapon. Another problem is that the media would show everything what is happening. At one point when the explosion happened, they said it was a terrorist attack, which was a lie. Also, when Wikus body started to change, people would see him on the news or hear on the radio and they would run away from him. Nobody wanted to listen to him and hear what he has to say, people only believed in mass media. At the end they were all judgmental to each other, because they were not the same (District 9, 2009). And Tsotsi (2005) is a movie about stealing from people, killing and running away from reality. One of the problems is how those people live. Their houses are not in proper conditions, there are a lot of diseases that can be spread around them. The second problem was that the main character did not know how to communicate without using his gun, he would have disrespectful behavior and he did not have mercy for anyone. The third problem is that most of the children from the street are on the street because they dont have families or their families are just ruined. The main characters mom was sick and she died when he was little and his dad was alcoholic, so he basically did not have anyone to raise him on the way he can have an education or love. He would steal more and more from people who would look better looking, fights and killing others were the answer for everything. The only reason for changing his mind from all the crime was the baby from the car he stole. At the end he returns baby home after trying to take care of him, realizing it is very hard to take care of kids if you dont have money and safe area to live. Also, he took responsibilities for his actions. Question 6 6.1. Vodacom Summer 2015 Advert caption does not have anything with the provided link. However, advert that was on offer on provided link was a Blue Ribbon Bread (My Mom Is So Cool, 2015). The advert is way too long and it loses the whole point of the advert. We also decided to find Vodacom Summer 2015 Advert (Vodacom Summer 2015, 2015). From the begging we can see it that advert is about Vodacom. We think they tried to show their consumers and future consumers that they can stay in touch and stay connected no matter in which situation they are or where ever they are. 6.2. Chicken Licken Advert (Inner peace, 2015) tries to show us how their master is going to do everything and anything to get chicken pieces and just because he is eating their chicken he is so good in karate. 6.3. KFC (Emzini Wezinsizwa KFC South Africa advert, 2015) advert shows us that family or group of five can share one meal for a good price. The quality of the food is excellent because they would do anything for it. Also main characters in the advert according to the SABC1 (2017), were from the highly popular African sitcom Emzini Wezinsizwa. Bibliography/Reference list: Twitter usage/Company facts. 2017. Its whats happening, 30 June 2016. à ¯Ã‚ †ºOnlineà ¯Ã‚  . Available at: à ¯Ã‚ †ºAccessed 03.03.2017à ¯Ã‚  . OShaughnessy, M. and Stadler, J. 2016. Media and society. 5th ed. South Melbourne, Victoria, Australia: Oxford University press. Lin, E. 2013. 7 tips to travel smart in the summer, The Lab!, 2 July 2013 à ¯Ã‚ †ºBlogà ¯Ã‚  . à ¯Ã‚ †ºOnlineà ¯Ã‚  . Available at: à ¯Ã‚ †ºAccessed 03.03.2017à ¯Ã‚  . OShaughnessy, M. and Stadler, J. 2016. Media and Society. 5th ed. South Melbourne, Victoria, Australia: Oxford University press. My Response PewDiePie. 2017. YouTube video, added by PewDiePie à ¯Ã‚ †ºOnlineà ¯Ã‚  . à ¯Ã‚ †ºAccessed 03.04.2017à ¯Ã‚  . My Response PewDiePie. 2017. YouTube video, added by PewDiePie à ¯Ã‚ †ºOnlineà ¯Ã‚  . à ¯Ã‚ †ºAccessed 03.04.2017à ¯Ã‚  . Grundberg, S. and Hansegards, J. 2014. Youtubes biggest draw plays games, earns 4$ million a year. Cussing, Comic Videogame Reviwer PewDiePIe has 27 Million Subscribers. The Wall Street Journal. 1. à ¯Ã‚ †ºOnlineà ¯Ã‚  . Available at: à ¯Ã‚ †ºAccessed: 04.03.2017à ¯Ã‚  . Winkler, R., Nicas, J. and Fritz, B. 2017. Disney Servers Ties With YouTube Star PewDiePie After Anti-Semitic Posts. Move came after the Journal asked about videos in which he included anti-Semitic jokes or Nazi imagery. The Wall Street Journal. 1. à ¯Ã‚ †ºOnlineà ¯Ã‚  . à ¯Ã‚ †ºAccessed 04.03.2017à ¯Ã‚  . Is PewDiePie Racist? h3h3Productions. 2017. YouTube video, added by h3h3Productions à ¯Ã‚ †ºOnlineà ¯Ã‚  . à ¯Ã‚ †ºAccessed 04.03.2017à ¯Ã‚  . Laurent, O. 2016. Haiti Earthquake Five Years Later., 21 January 2015 à ¯Ã‚ †ºOnlineà ¯Ã‚  . Available at: à ¯Ã‚ †ºAccessed 04.03.2017à ¯Ã‚  . The mind behind Tesla, SpaceX, SolarCity à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ½Elon Musk TED talks. 2017. YouTube video, added by TED à ¯Ã‚ †ºOnlineà ¯Ã‚  . à ¯Ã‚ †ºAccessed 04.03.2017à ¯Ã‚  . SolarCity. 2017. Solar roof. à ¯Ã‚ †ºn.d.à ¯Ã‚  2017. à ¯Ã‚ †ºOnlineà ¯Ã‚  . Available at: à ¯Ã‚ †ºAccessed 04.03.2017à ¯Ã‚  . The Walt Disney Company. 2017. About The Walt Disney Company, 2017. à ¯Ã‚ †ºOnlineà ¯Ã‚  . Available at:Â à ¯Ã‚ †ºAccessed 04.03.2017à ¯Ã‚  . 2015. Protest on the Ramp: South African Designer Isabelle Lotter Joins #FeesMustFall Movement. [Online]. Available at: à ¯Ã‚ †ºAccessed 04.03.2017à ¯Ã‚  . 2016. South Africa: Flash floods kill six people in Johannesburg. [Online]. Available at: à ¯Ã‚ †ºAccessed 04.03.2017à ¯Ã‚  . 2016. South Africa:Flash floods kill six people in Johannesburg. [Online]. Available at: à ¯Ã‚ †ºAccessed 04.03.2017à ¯Ã‚  . 2016. Barack Obama tells Latin America: Dont assume the worst about Donald Trump. [Online]. Available at: à ¯Ã‚ †ºAccessed 04.03.2017à ¯Ã‚  . US Weekly. 2016. President Obama, Michelle Obama Welcome Donald Trump, Melania to White House, 10 November 2016 à ¯Ã‚ †ºOnlineà ¯Ã‚  . à ¯Ã‚ †ºAccessed 04.03.2017à ¯Ã‚  . US Weekly. 2016. President Obama, Michelle Obama Welcome Donald Trump, Melania to White House, 10 November 2016 à ¯Ã‚ †ºOnlineà ¯Ã‚  . à ¯Ã‚ †ºAccessed 04.03.2017à ¯Ã‚  . JRDIJKSTRA. 2014. Jorrit R Dijkstra. My photographs dont belong in a drawer. à ¯Ã‚ †ºOnlineà ¯Ã‚  . à ¯Ã‚ †ºAccessed 07.03.2017à ¯Ã‚  . JRDIJKSTRA. 2014. Jorrit R Dijkstra. My photographs dont belong in a drawer. à ¯Ã‚ †ºOnlineà ¯Ã‚  . à ¯Ã‚ †ºAccessed 07.03.2017à ¯Ã‚  . s.a. à ¯Ã‚ †ºOnlineà ¯Ã‚  . à ¯Ã‚ †ºAccessed 04.03.2017à ¯Ã‚  . District 9. 2009. Directed by Neil Blompkamp, à ¯Ã‚ †ºFilmà ¯Ã‚  . South Africa, New Zealand, United States: TriStar Pictures. Tsotsi. 2005. Directed by Gavin Hood, à ¯Ã‚ †ºFilmà ¯Ã‚  . South Africa: Ster-Kinekor Pictures and Miramax Films. My Mom Is So Cool Blue Ribbon Bread. 2015., added by Blue Ribbon Bread, 19 Feb 2014. à ¯Ã‚ †ºBrand videoà ¯Ã‚  . à ¯Ã‚ †ºAccessed 07.03.2017à ¯Ã‚  . Vodacom Summer 2015 MyBroadband. 2016. YouTube video, added by MyBroadband à ¯Ã‚ †ºOnlineà ¯Ã‚  . à ¯Ã‚ †ºAccessed 07.03.2017à ¯Ã‚  . Inner peace Chicken Licken Advert. 2015., Agency Net#work BBDO Johannesburg, South Africa, 5 Nov 2015.Â à ¯Ã‚ †ºBrand videoà ¯Ã‚  .Â à ¯Ã‚ †ºAccessed 07.03.2017à ¯Ã‚  . SABC 1. 2017. About Emzini Wezinsizwa, à ¯Ã‚ †ºn.dà ¯Ã‚  2017. à ¯Ã‚ †ºOnlineà ¯Ã‚  . à ¯Ã‚ †ºAccessed 07.03.2017à ¯Ã‚  . In the List of Figures: Figure 5: Lin, E. 2013. 7 TIPS TO TRAVEL SMART IN THE SUMMER: Summer time is here! It is the perfect time for traveling and exploring the world. Figure 6: Hutchings, M. 2015. Protest on the Ramp: South African Designer Isabelle Lotter Joins #FeesMustFall Movement. Figure 7: CityogJoburgZA, 2016. South Africa: Flash floods kill six people in Johannesburg. Figure 8: 2016. Barack Obama tells Latin America: Dont assume the worst about Donald Trump.
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